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edis, coil pack, wiring saga continues
omega0684 - 22/7/08 at 03:03 PM

ok so i isolated that my coilpack was loosing voltage when cranking so i did a bit of re-wiring and the voltage drop now is only from 12v to between 10-11v, the same as the battery when cranking. BUT I STILL HAVE NO SPARK!

i tested the signal strength from the vr sensor at the edis plug and it moves the avo needle about half way across the scale when set to 0.01 ac amps (is this strong enough). i checked the wiring to the coil plug and thats fine too. the one thing that is still puzzling me is that MS is still not recognising engine rpm, infact when i crank the engine all the dials go red as if its not reading anything?

any suggestions ?

whitestu - 22/7/08 at 03:09 PM

I'm guessing you have checked the VR wires are on the right way?

It should spark just with the Edis.


Paul TigerB6 - 22/7/08 at 03:09 PM

I take it you have tried simply swapping the wires over to the VR sensor?? When i connected mine up i got no spark so just changed the polarity by swapping over - didnt bother with the meter at all.

omega0684 - 22/7/08 at 03:25 PM

wiring is definately correct! i have the original cable from a car, blue wire insulation with green line on one and yellow line on the other, exactly the same as the edis module clip

jonno - 22/7/08 at 03:40 PM

So what have you done different from
Here ??

graememk - 22/7/08 at 03:46 PM

you did have it working a few weeks ago

garage19 - 22/7/08 at 03:56 PM

I suggest your sensor is not close enough to the wheel.

saigonij - 22/7/08 at 06:28 PM

also, check that the EDIS unit is getting enough volts. I think it will not work with any voltage under 10v.

paulf - 22/7/08 at 10:05 PM

Im not sure what the problem is likely to be assuming it is wired up the same as when we had it running.I assume the crank sensor to be ok and rule out the coilpack as it would at least spark on 2 cylinders and also show a reading on the Pc from megasquirt.Can only leave crank sensor wiring , or 12v supply and earths that could be at fault.
I am working all week but if still stuck on Monday may be able to come over and have a look again, hopefully my oil consumption problem will be sorted by then and I can come over for a run out.

graememk - 22/7/08 at 10:45 PM

isnt there a 2x blue wires, one with a yellow line and the other a green.

i think they are wired opposite to each other.

irvined - 23/7/08 at 05:46 AM

This may be stating the obvious but... Have you checked the cable from the VR sensor?

I had a break in mine which caused much head scratching as it intermittantly worked. Check continuity whilst you wiggle the wire around, also check that there is no continuity between the signal cables and earth as that will screw it up too.

thepest - 23/7/08 at 06:05 AM

What material is your trigger wheel made of?

DaveFJ - 23/7/08 at 08:03 AM

If all the gauges to on megatune are going red.... are you losing power to the megasquirt?

MikeRJ - 23/7/08 at 09:16 AM

Originally posted by DaveFJ
If all the gauges to on megatune are going red.... are you losing power to the megasquirt?

Sounds like it to me, that's the first thing to check.