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Top Gear - Tom cruise - lap time FIX ?
Agriv8 - 26/7/10 at 03:14 PM

So as armchair pundits that we are what do we think :-

newsbeat link

One Side - we know quite a bit of top gear is made up but would they go this far ??

other side Tom Cruise was allowed out in the Bugatti special and got it upto 190 !!!

I belive it was genuine but somthing it troubling me and I cant quite put my finger on it.

possibly just serviced / special fuel / sticky tires ( two wheels from Tom ? )

Anyway discusion open



tegwin - 26/7/10 at 03:16 PM

Im not so sure myself... it didnt look right as I watched it...

Camaron kept missing gears.... that'd slow her down a lot..

And cruise hammering seriously wide on corners and finishing on two wheels... I dont get how he managed to do is so quickly...

I find it hard to believe it a fix... the BBC cant thing people are that stupid.. can they?

MakeEverything - 26/7/10 at 03:20 PM

I think its all good. I doubt Clarkson would allow them to fix it.

I think it was Genuine. The two wheel thing wouldnt have slowed him down that much.

loggyboy - 26/7/10 at 03:20 PM

1 second quicker than a girl and a spotty teenager... hardly an acheviment worth of a conspiracy theory!

Im sure once a few more 'car enthusiast' stars come through the door, Toms time will slide down the order.

MakeEverything - 26/7/10 at 03:33 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
hardly an acheviment worth of a conspiracy theory!

I agree, but then Tom Cruise has always been the centre of some conspiracy or other. Remember when the whole Scientology thing came out?

Surrey Dave - 26/7/10 at 03:51 PM

The only thing that I thought unusual,was that the lap ended with a rear end view of the car on 2 wheels. They usually end with a front side view.......................

GMPMotorsport - 26/7/10 at 03:57 PM

what's it matter if it was fixed? I watched the Grand Prix and thought that was fixed

jossey - 26/7/10 at 04:01 PM


It was a nice day on the track and warm. if they had been given around 30 laps to practise i bet they could do better. they normally only get 5 laps and pick the best so maybe its different with them getting more laps to practise and taking snipets from a few laps to make it look a little better.

thats my view.

it did look a little setup but to be honest it was a good top gear.

dave j

JoelP - 26/7/10 at 04:09 PM

maybe they just finished with a shot of him on two wheels from another lap for entertainment value?

Not bothered really, id crush them all

Hammerhead - 26/7/10 at 04:17 PM

I wondered when someone would open this discussion. I think it was in the deal that tc had to be fastest. He spun wheels off the line, missed gears and certainly looked slow.

Me thinks it's a con.

dlatch - 26/7/10 at 04:35 PM

its well known the lap they show are actually a high lights version to make better TV
his actual lap was most likely much more tidy.
its not a surprise he set fastest time he is a moderately talented race driver and imo the current fastest time was not actually that fast and TC lap will be beaten no doubt

expatkiwi - 26/7/10 at 04:39 PM

The programme in its self is a big set up of gags and fooling around.
If you look at the star in a car board those who have been before,the majority are not the most competitive in the world.I think that CD and TC are probably two very competitve people and one is a better looking and taller than the other. If it is a fix then so what its still good for a laugh,come to think of it Sherlock was good to with some dry humour

kendo - 26/7/10 at 05:40 PM

The car is probably starting to loosen up a bit as well.

will121 - 26/7/10 at 05:43 PM

i thought they had 3 timed laps with best time taken from them and just for tv they edit the interesting bits to make entertaining tv, i would imagine the fasted lap would possible make quite boring tv as would just be smooth with no drama.
as for fixing some of the 'chalenges' ive seen one filmed where they had to film it about half a dozen times just to get what appeared a close finish

Peteff - 26/7/10 at 06:36 PM

Well I ran round it in a pair of Wellingtons in 1.43.8 so they aren't that fast. I would put Cameron Diaz on top anyway

bi22le - 26/7/10 at 06:50 PM

It cant be fixed. They would not allow it.

Also wait till JK and Cowell get involved. He will be well down the order.

As they said on the radio today. He owns fast cars and bikes, he is a stunt man and pilots jets, he will be handy at driving!!

thunderace - 26/7/10 at 07:00 PM

Originally posted by bi22le
It cant be fixed. They would not allow it.

Also wait till JK and Cowell get involved. He will be well down the order.

As they said on the radio today. He owns fast cars and bikes, he is a stunt man and pilots jets, he will be handy at driving!!

are you all daft the show is all fixed.

StevieB - 26/7/10 at 08:02 PM

There's not enough times up on the board yet to know what a fast time really is - give it until this time next series and see how it looks.

You have to bear in mind the fastest time was set by someone who's not been driving all that long, so probably not really all that fast.

Irony - 26/7/10 at 08:25 PM

It wouldn't surprise me if Tom C had had previous racing experience. He's a well known thrill seeker so I bet he's had some sort of lessons. You'd think he might have had a couple 'o' track days when filming the 'epic' Days of Thunder.

Jon Ison - 26/7/10 at 08:29 PM

It cant be fixed ? Only takes one phone call, where was you all Sunday afternoon ?

nitram38 - 26/7/10 at 09:25 PM

This is the clip here

morcus - 27/7/10 at 12:26 AM

I don't think its a fix, as above hardly anyones been out so far. The Group ones never seem to be as quick as the normal ones.

They might have given them more practice laps than others (Since the Lacetti they get a certain number of practices and a specific timed lap, but they have fudged this a few times, including for JK).

Agriv8 - 27/7/10 at 06:28 AM

so the lap we see isnt the timmed lap Ok.

The car is loosening up yep. but a full second faster thats quite a bit on a 1:17 lap.

