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New Project with 2 photos...
Steve Hignett - 11/8/10 at 08:04 AM

There wasn't a section for this brand, so I stuck it in Locost Related. Although due to the build cost, that really isn't correct!

I'm waiting to receive the engine from the YouTube clip below - should be interesting...

Caterham R1000 Carbon
Caterham R1000 Carbon

Caterham R1000 Carbon
Caterham R1000 Carbon

omega0684 - 11/8/10 at 08:05 AM

thought you weren't working for CM any more?

dan8400 - 11/8/10 at 08:06 AM

That looks chuffin AWESOME



liam.mccaffrey - 11/8/10 at 08:07 AM

thats obscenely good

adithorp - 11/8/10 at 08:36 AM

Hmmm.... carbonnn....


Humbug - 11/8/10 at 08:46 AM

Just a thought... couldn't you have a few more parts made from c/f?

nick205 - 11/8/10 at 08:52 AM

Now that's just showing off.

As I think we all would if it were our own

balidey - 11/8/10 at 09:12 AM

That cheap vinyl from ebay certainly looks good from the right angle

Stott - 11/8/10 at 11:08 AM

Wasn't that on the CM stand at Stoneleigh?

Very nice btw

Steve Hignett - 11/8/10 at 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Stott
Wasn't that on the CM stand at Stoneleigh?

Very nice btw

Stott - No, it was not!!!

Omega, no I'm not...

Baliday - If that vinyl could look like this and weigh like this, then I wouldn't hesitate to use it!!!

Nick - Believe me, this car is def not mine!

Humbug - Every single part is CF, even pedal box covers etc

Everyone else - Thanks, yes it does look v v good! Although I'm looking fwd to the engine and box even more!

Kriss - 11/8/10 at 11:43 AM

now that is immense!

what engine is going in?

cloudy - 11/8/10 at 11:56 AM

green with envy steve!

stupott901 - 11/8/10 at 12:10 PM

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm carbon i love carbon fibre

Stott - 11/8/10 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett

Stott - No, it was not!!!

Ok, sorry, was it at stoneleigh though? Thought I saw a similar thing in the hall by where the acewell/furore stand was

adithorp - 11/8/10 at 12:26 PM

What do you recon the weight is going to come out as? Should be well over 1000bhp/tonne with that engine... 'till you get in it


Steve Hignett - 11/8/10 at 12:36 PM

Kriss - Thanks, engine is an RS Performance 2.3 V6 520bhp and weighs 82 kilos inc supercharger. (gearbox is 6spd seq Sadev) ECU will have launch control, 4 wheel TC and obv it'll be paddleshift with full throttle changes etc

Cloudy - Yeah mate, it's a machine alright!

Stu - Not as much as me!!!

Stott - No worries mate, I was trying to sound sarcastic, and it came out indignant! Sorry! But, no it wasn't at Stoneleigh, I am hoping for it to be at next years though for definite!

Adi - It should be around 500 - 515 kilos, so yes, over 1000bhp/tonne

damdy-cash - 11/8/10 at 07:01 PM

is that in anyway related to Richard in France (RIP)?

cheers Volker

McLannahan - 11/8/10 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by damdy-cash
is that in anyway related to Richard in France (RIP)?

cheers Volker

I believe it is Volker, well recognised!

Steve Hignett - 11/8/10 at 07:51 PM

Yes it is, I'm finishing what he sadly can't...

Fozzie - 11/8/10 at 08:01 PM

Looking good Steve.....very good....

RK - 29/8/10 at 02:06 AM

gulp. speechless!!

scootz - 29/8/10 at 08:18 AM

Thought it may have been Richards project.

I've bought some of RiF's Carbon-Bits and been down to his factory in the Borders a few years back. He was an absolute perfectionist and his work was top-notch!

Put most of the 'larger' CF kit-part manufacturers to shame.

Sad loss to the Se7en community.

eddie99 - 29/8/10 at 03:00 PM

That looks and will look amazing!!! I cant wait to see it..

EDIT: Carbon Tub? or what chassis?

[Edited on 29/8/10 by eddie99]

scootz - 29/8/10 at 03:22 PM

Caterham chassis... skinned in CF!

Stuart_B - 29/8/10 at 07:44 PM

wow, that looks amazing.

that will shift and look great.

very nice steve

leepo - 31/8/10 at 07:38 PM

Amazin----- How much to do an SR2 ????

Steve Hignett - 29/7/11 at 02:57 AM

This project has been on hold for a variety of reasons.

It would be churlish of me to discuss them on an open forum at this time...

It is now going ahead and I should be collecting the engine this coming week. It will be roughly 525bhp in IVA map mode and circa 600bhp in full power map mode. It shouldn't be slow and I would imagine it would give the V8 Atom 500 (that appeared on BBC's Top Gear in October of last year), a pretty good run for it's money...

I will update the thread, or maybe start a new one, when I have more information/parts. If anyone wants any specific info or photos as the project develops then please let me know.



welderman - 29/7/11 at 07:41 AM

locoR1 - 29/7/11 at 08:21 AM

You stalking again Joe ....