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Quick Question - kitcar consumables
nib1980 - 25/9/07 at 09:13 AM

Hi all,

I was just wondering what we buy most of as Kitcar builders. I was looking into potential cost saving areas for new and existing builders, and was noting in my reciepts that some of the most expensive parts were the consumables like

split tubing
fule hose,
electrical tape
cable ties
edge trim

how much of the above do we think are used on the average car??

I was wondering what other things everybody has to use, but when added up become quite expensive?

any lists comments welcome

[Edited on 25/9/07 by nib1980]

SyKaTurbo - 25/9/07 at 09:22 AM


Paul TigerB6 - 25/9/07 at 09:30 AM


Macbeast - 25/9/07 at 09:32 AM

Various types of paint - chassis, calipers, steering rack, hubs, engine gearbox and diff. Not started on bodywork yet


RazMan - 25/9/07 at 09:33 AM

GRP Supplies for me - I daren't add up the receipts

iank - 25/9/07 at 10:00 AM

Right now paint and degreaser.

Next electrical bits cost the earth, as do all the stupid little clips, trim, etc. decent p-clips (the rubber lined ones) are particularly silly prices considering what they are.

Later on, engine oil, gearbox oil, diff oil, antifreezed etc all tend to get bought in one go and are expensive if you're treating the car to top end stuff rather than asda generic.

Overall I'm finding postage costs to be an unexpectedly large percentage of the overall costs.

Dusty - 25/9/07 at 10:01 AM

Polyurethane sealer.

[Edited on 25/9/07 by Dusty]

coozer - 25/9/07 at 10:07 AM

Fluids, oil and brake fluid... keeps Halfrauds in business!

smart51 - 25/9/07 at 10:17 AM

PU adhesive. High tensile bolts and odd sized bolts/ Grommets with a wide groove for GRP panels. Brake fluid flexible hose marked up for SVA purposes. Catalytic converters.

These are the things that I found hardest to get.

Colnago_Man - 25/9/07 at 10:38 AM

My biggest cost seems to be postage and packing. I struggle to find one supplier who can supply all the different parts I need to complete a job. Therefore end up paying three different companies up to £7 a time postage. Obvisouly I try and plan ahead and get as many parts as possible in one order, but sometime this has made me buy incorrect parts for a job I've yet to start.

Dangle_kt - 25/9/07 at 10:59 AM

TUbes and Tubes of No-Nails.

Fred W B - 25/9/07 at 11:19 AM

I use a lot of

silicon spray
carb cleaner
abrashives - discs and paper

Nobody mentioned BEER! - only for consumption at the end of a garage session, or while "researching" on the computor.

Band aids?


Fred W B

lsdweb - 25/9/07 at 12:20 PM

Elastoplast :-)

NS Dev - 25/9/07 at 12:26 PM

Unpleasantly expensive ones for me were (and are, on other projects) PU adhesive, fuel line, decent stainless jubilee clips, any aeroquip fittings.

Good sources for cable ties, and large crimp rings, plus tapes etc, is your local electrical wholesaler, very cheap from there

TimC - 25/9/07 at 12:37 PM

Most of it's covered but don't forget paint brushes for donor parts - oh, and masking tape!

HAL 1 - 25/9/07 at 06:49 PM

Skin and eye protection.

Catpuss - 25/9/07 at 06:53 PM

I've been looking at Halfords for fuel line. Its about 3 quid ish a meter for 8mm rubber (with an unofficial trade card discount) so doesn't seem to bad.

For the the most expensive bits were tools, tool consumables and the wrong bits bought then having to buy the right ones.

RazMan - 25/9/07 at 08:05 PM

How about a counselling service?

Possibly Chiropractor vouchers

martyn_16v - 27/9/07 at 07:52 PM

blue paper roll and brake cleaner