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larrythelathe - 27/6/08 at 10:49 AM

I was cutting some pipe yesterday for a about 20 minutes.
To hear a very loud knocking on my garage door.
It was my neighbor who i thought i got on ok with she told me i was making too much noise and was going to call the council and report me.
Also i am always outside revving my car as well, i find this odd as i can not think of a time i have started my car with out driving off.
Any way is there a limit to amount of noise i can make?
It was about 16.30.

speedyxjs - 27/6/08 at 10:58 AM

I looked into the same thing when my neighbors started complaining about my donor being on the drive. I couldnt find any noise limits but decided i wouldnt make any noise before 10am and after 7pm so i dont think youve got anything to worry about

ReMan - 27/6/08 at 10:58 AM


nitram38 - 27/6/08 at 10:59 AM

Nothing they can do during the day.
I rent a garage for the F1-2 and I had to get it out of the garage at 4am.
I opened the door quietly, pushed the car out and shut the door.
I got in the car, put on my crash helmet and gloves and then started the car.
My exhaust is pretty quiet but after no more than 30 seconds of it running (not being revved) a head stuck out of the window and gave me loads of abuse.
There was me trying to be as quiet as I can!

wilkingj - 27/6/08 at 11:00 AM

IMHO its the 1630 that is your ally.

If it was after say 9pm, then I could see her point, especially if she had small children or babies trying to sleep.

I take it you car met the SVA sound test, and has not been changed? ie withing the legal limit. (You should have the SVA report for that)

I dont think she has much grounds to complain about.
As long as its not cutting metal every day.

This is one reason I bought a power saw. Its a LOT quieter than using an angle grinder to cut with. But not as handy when the bit is welded to the car etc!

Just keep it down as best you can. If she complains to the council, they will conduct tests / monitoring to see if there are grounds for complaint.

If its only now and then, it will be more difficult for her to prove.
However, if you are running a business, from your home, not only will you have a noise problem, but a council tax one as well.

Just my 2d's worth.

Best of luck with it.

All of the above are just my views, and are not based on any factual evidence or information.

vinny1275 - 27/6/08 at 11:04 AM

The limits are somthing like 7am to 11pm. Even then, the route the council take is to expect the complainer to complete a noise diary, maybe install a noise meter, before they take any action (unless you call at 2 in the morning to complain about the party next door..)

But complaining at half 4 in the afternoon? The council *probably* wouldn't take it seriously. She doesn't work nights or something, does she?

Bigheppy - 27/6/08 at 11:11 AM

I was once reported for noise pollution, running a model aeroplane engine all day every day it was actually only 10 min every time I built a new model, so went to see environmental control. They said if someone makes a complaint they have to follow it up. In my case they sent a letter telling me to stop or else, standard letter. When I asked what was reasonable he said I could do anything so long as it was not continuous and at a reasonable time, and to talk to my neigbours to agree a compromise. If the complaints continue they would give the person complaining a noise meter and they have to log the noise, time of day and duration. These results would then dictate their next step, a site visit then possibly a judge to adudicate. So each time I was going to run an engine I stood in my garden and anounced what I was going to do and for how long. It soon became aparrent who had complained as each time she went indoors and slammed the door. No further action was taken.
In your case I would go round and warn her each time you are going to make "excessive noise" and apologise for any inconvenience caused. If the council do contact you you have taken steps to resolve the situation.

larrythelathe - 27/6/08 at 11:11 AM

no shes is old ish shes in all day.
First time i used the grinder its brand new.
Car is not so loud.
she also complains is if some one parks in front of her house, not her drive just her house. It spoils her view i am told.
Thanks for you views i think i just carry on regardless then.

02GF74 - 27/6/08 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by larrythelathe
no shes is old ish shes in all day.

ah, I get it now, she has got new batteries in her hearing aid.

Howlor - 27/6/08 at 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Bigheppy
I was once reported for noise pollution, running a model aeroplane engine all day every day it was actually only 10 min every time I built a new model, so went to see environmental control. They said if someone makes a complaint they have to follow it up. In my case they sent a letter telling me to stop or else, standard letter. When I asked what was reasonable he said I could do anything so long as it was not continuous and at a reasonable time, and to talk to my neigbours to agree a compromise. If the complaints continue they would give the person complaining a noise meter and they have to log the noise, time of day and duration. These results would then dictate their next step, a site visit then possibly a judge to adudicate. So each time I was going to run an engine I stood in my garden and anounced what I was going to do and for how long. It soon became aparrent who had complained as each time she went indoors and slammed the door. No further action was taken.
In your case I would go round and warn her each time you are going to make "excessive noise" and apologise for any inconvenience caused. If the council do contact you you have taken steps to resolve the situation.

So it was you then you barsteward!

Fellow Goole area resident!

garage19 - 27/6/08 at 11:42 AM

Sounds like a a right cow. If that had been me and she had just popped her head round the corner and politly asked if i could keep it down i would have packed up for the day.

Seeing as she went straight for the "i'm ggoing to call the the council" threats i'd just carry on.

The EH have to have two officers visit together and hear/witness the problem on several occasions.

awinter - 27/6/08 at 11:42 AM

Ahh if shes old she has nothing better to do than complain. get her to log the dates and times you annoy her and she'll destroy her own case. just bear in mind she may have children who will get a biased view of her moans. She may be lonely, offer to take her out for a spin and maybe apologise in advance for any noise you make just to keep her sweet.


larrythelathe - 27/6/08 at 11:52 AM

her only child lives there shes in her 50's and is always saying sorry about mum.
Its beginning to p**s me off.
I do feel better for moaning tho

Howlor - 27/6/08 at 11:54 AM

Get her involved, ask her if she wouldn't mind knitting you some seat covers and a bobble hat in a matching colour!

[Edited on 27/6/08 by Howlor]

BenB - 27/6/08 at 11:58 AM

Aha! I thought I was the only one with neighbours complaining about noise....

People with too much time and not enough to do.....

Try and show how reasonable you're being and how you're trying not to inconvenience them etc. If that doesn't work tell 'em to take a long walk off a short plank...

richardh - 27/6/08 at 12:01 PM

just keep working
if she pops out just smile and say "nice day eh?"
wind her right up.
Or every time you want to go and work, ring her or nock on door and say "is it alright with you if i do some work today thanks?"

or (dont try this at home - - too often) i got my neighbour by the throat and told him where to go...............................

Mr Whippy - 27/6/08 at 12:07 PM

I have a nuisance next door neighbour who's dogs bark all through the night and I then have to get up to give them an utter ba££ocking!! Usually with me shouting ‘SHUT THE F$UCK UP YOU BA$TARD$!!!’

Unfortunately it is my sister’s dogs I’ve only recently moved there

82 Locost - 27/6/08 at 12:14 PM

I'd speak to the council and ask them what rules they work to. I'd then tell the neighbour that you're now working to the council's rules. They're probably more realistic than you think, and your neighbour will be shocked when you tell her.

trikerneil - 27/6/08 at 12:17 PM

I never make noise after 9pm.

My neighbours once complained about the noise from my angry grinder at 5pm on a saturday afternoon and I'd only done a couple of hours.

I'd just finished for the day - so I went back in the shed and did another hour's work.


graememk - 27/6/08 at 12:29 PM

i've had it as well, and i didnt even build my car at my house just finished it off.

now i dont care they come around and i just carry on, i dont even look at them.

i'm not noisy and when i am its in short bursts only never before 9 and never after 7, i also stop between 12 and 2 on a sunday

saigonij - 27/6/08 at 12:40 PM

the neighbours around my parents house are all pretty good - there is only one house where the old lady used to moan, but all teh rest enjoy hearing the noise and watching me test the car.

thing is, some people moan because they have nothing better to do, or that it gives them interaction with someone else - strange as it sounds some people moan and complain because it brings them in to contact with people - much like picking on the girl you liked at school - the human brain - as "advanced" as people think is still incredibly stupid, selfish and moronic.

all hail the monkeys.

Mr Whippy - 27/6/08 at 12:43 PM

you want to make one of these and do some testing out the garage door

yeah you'll be very popular

stevebubs - 27/6/08 at 12:45 PM

You'll probably find she was watching "deal or no deal" or some such and couldn't hear her telly properly...

Found out what Daytime TV she watches and time your grinding to co-incide or not depending on how you're getting on with her.

Peteff - 27/6/08 at 01:08 PM

She'll die soon anyway

Mr Whippy - 27/6/08 at 01:21 PM

Originally posted by stevebubs
You'll probably find she was watching "deal or no deal" or some such and couldn't hear her telly properly...

Found out what Daytime TV she watches and time your grinding to co-incide or not depending on how you're getting on with her.

buy a signal jammer

speedyxjs - 27/6/08 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by stevebubs
You'll probably find she was watching "deal or no deal" or some such and couldn't hear her telly properly...

Found out what Daytime TV she watches and time your grinding to co-incide or not depending on how you're getting on with her.

buy a signal jammer

Mean but i like it

tks - 27/6/08 at 02:56 PM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by stevebubs
You'll probably find she was watching "deal or no deal" or some such and couldn't hear her telly properly...

Found out what Daytime TV she watches and time your grinding to co-incide or not depending on how you're getting on with her.

buy a signal jammer

Mean but i like it

Buy one turn it on...

and go over to talk a bit... if she mentions the television nor working... you offer to repare it... in the mean time you just turn off your jammer... tell her that if it doesn't work again she needs to contact you...

do it a couple of times per week and just keep the noise as usual... you will find that she really needs you...
and the noise will be forgotten everytime the tv springs back in to live again..

man i didn't knew i coud be that bad...


omega 24 v6 - 27/6/08 at 02:58 PM


She'll die soon anyway


clairetoo - 27/6/08 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6

She'll die soon anyway


I once actually finished an argument with my neighbour with a similar line - "no problem , your old , you'll die soon anyway...."
His 50 something year old son came round to have a go at me , when I pointed out that every one in the street hated the old b**tard things got a lot nicer.........then he did die not long after , so no more complaints as the house has now been empty for nearly 4 years

ned - 27/6/08 at 03:20 PM

I once (and only once) complained to my council about the pikeys in a nearby council house making excessive drunken noise and playing loud music late one night. It was after 10pm but they said they wouldn't do anything until after 11pm, so we rang back after 11. Forty minutes later they arrived to witness the noise from our bedroom (it was summer and so hot you couldn't sleep without the windows open). They agreed it was bad/loud and said they would investigate, about a week later we were contacted saying that they investigated, but there were certain houses they wouldn't attend to in the road (ie the pikey's) and they would write a letter outlining our complaint to them.

If your council are anywhere near as useless as mine you won't have any problems!

Thankfully that experience was a couple of years ago and it's never happened again (more luck than council action though i fear).
