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Is Ed home?
coozer - 29/6/12 at 10:47 AM

I've been following Ed March across the globe with wonder.. just wondering now if he's home safe n sound?

James - 29/6/12 at 11:42 AM

Something to do with this?

Downfall... always good, even if you don't know who or what an Ed March is!


coozer - 29/6/12 at 11:48 AM

Lol, aye, thats on his webby...

steve m - 29/6/12 at 12:26 PM

Thanks James, for posting that vid, it is brilliant!

stevegough - 29/6/12 at 01:51 PM

Originally posted by steve m
Thanks James, for posting that vid, it is brilliant!


Jasongray5 - 29/6/12 at 04:46 PM

He is back in the UK!
Did a lap of the nuburgring (however you spell it) with no oil pump!
He's doing a tour of the UK at the moment so you might be lucky enough to catch up with him for a beer!

Jasongray5 - 29/6/12 at 04:54 PM
Dont know how much you will be able to see, but this is abit more up to date than his web page?

James - 1/7/12 at 08:33 PM

Originally posted by steve m
Thanks James, for posting that vid, it is brilliant!

There's loads (100's?) of Downfall parodies around if you search. On every topic from football matches, to the Bannign Downfall parodies parody! I love them!

It's actually made me want to see the original film too!
