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MR 2's racing at Brands
austin man - 17/4/11 at 08:49 PM

Was at Brands Hatch to day and witnessed a horrific accident resulting in one of the cars hitting the Armco and leaving the floor an clearing the perimeter fence marshall had to duck behind the tyrea sn a family with small children werent far off as the car car flew past the grandstand. Air ambulance called to the scene. Couldnt stay to long hope the driver is okay> does anyone else know the outcome

Have taken some pictures but wont be posting until I know the driver is okay

flibble - 17/4/11 at 09:09 PM

Erm, any chance of saying what colour the car was, two of my friends were racing there today
1 is mostly satin black, the other I think is satin black with lime green nose.

[Edited on 17-4-11 by flibble]

eddie99 - 17/4/11 at 09:18 PM

What corner and oh dear, hope the people involved are ok! Did any racing continue afterwards?

austin man - 17/4/11 at 09:20 PM

Car numbers 1 and 55. 55 had the big impact number ones impact was bad enought

[Edited on 17/4/11 by austin man]

austin man - 17/4/11 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by eddie99
What corner and oh dear, hope the people involved are ok! Did any racing continue afterwards?

we left after 3 I dont know if they did any more racing the armco had to be replaced the air ambulance was still there on our departure at around 3.30. we had 185 miles to drive so didnt hang around as we couldnt see that racing could resume

DRC INDY 7 - 17/4/11 at 09:23 PM

Yes it was a scene that i did not want to see one of the cars was red with number 1 on and the other was black un sure of the number
The red car stayed on the track and the black car ended up on its roof have gone airborne after leaving the track this all happen from the start /finnish line and just before the 1st corner at the grandstand

eddie99 - 17/4/11 at 09:24 PM

Thread on pistonheads: ere%3F&mid=0

eccsmk - 17/4/11 at 09:31 PM

i was there too very nasty accident for car 55
top work by the paramedics

DRC INDY 7 - 17/4/11 at 09:35 PM

As posted above it was car no 55 B Andrei Bgatov wish him a speedy recovery

austin man - 17/4/11 at 09:40 PM

this is how close the spectators where to the carnage


austin man - 17/4/11 at 10:53 PM

does anyone know if both drivers are okay ??

carpmart - 18/4/11 at 05:51 AM


steveiow - 18/4/11 at 06:37 AM

We were all sat watching in that grandstand about half a dozen rows up. Very scary indeed. Not sure on drivers outcomes but Bgatov was eventually released from the car conscious.

Racing did indeed continue, albeit after a long delay and the locosts were cut from 18 to 13 mins plus a lap.

DRC INDY 7 - 18/4/11 at 06:45 AM

Just got this from the you tube site

@bradk12fan the one in the black car got a minor concussion and a broken legs between i was with the guy in the number 84 mr2 most of the day so i got most of the info

Neville Jones - 18/4/11 at 09:45 AM

I was about six rows up at the end of the stand nearest the gate, and this happened but feet from me.

I was watching the black car, and completely missed the red car barrelling along the fence. That marshals hut at the top of Paddock had a lucky escape, along with the handful of people who were in the trajectory of that black car as it went over the gate, demolished a catch fence, then carried on into the bales and was only stopped because of the fence behind the bales, at the top of the hill down into the paddock.

And yes, there was a family with youngsters in the bottom corner seats of the stand. Thankfully, the cars got nowhere near them.

Fairly shaking, all told.

After the accident, there was largish gravel up in the second row of seats, from about half way along the stand.

Full credit has to go to the marshals and medical team, as a blue suited medic was on his back into the upturned black car within a minute or so.

Both drivers are reported to be OK, and the driver of the black car is said to have a severe concussion and possible broken bones. He was upside down in the car for, what seemed like, a very long time.


[Edited on 18/4/11 by Neville Jones]

austin man - 18/4/11 at 07:31 PM

sorry about the quality, I was frantically trying to turn on the camera and get the cars in focus










norfolkluego - 18/4/11 at 07:54 PM

Can't remember the last time I saw such a dangerous looking accident (actually I do, it was a Brands last year when a WTCC car also cleared the fence), latest post I saw on PH was that driver of black car is stable in hospital, lucky lucky guy..
Think I might buy a caged MR2, looks like it's almost impossible to kill yourself in one