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indy in the rain
FASTdan - 9/6/09 at 01:04 PM

last minute question before i set off to le mans!

Are there any known issues with indy's when subject to heavy rain that I can prevent before I set off? I know this is dependent on a lot of unique 'builder' features such as the dash etc - but just wondered about generic stuff.

Staple balls - 9/6/09 at 01:10 PM

Made sure there's enough holes in the floor?

tomgregory2000 - 9/6/09 at 01:19 PM

And in your seats
And carry a sponge
And get some waterproofs

procomp - 9/6/09 at 01:24 PM


Depending on how the under bonnet area is paneled. A can of WD40 wouldent go a miss for spraying the electrics should they become damp.

Cheers Matt

Jon Ison - 9/6/09 at 01:33 PM

keep the faith.

Sorry just looked through window, maybe it is a tad damp, last time I went it was pure sunburn all the way there, as many cold showers as poss on camp site to cool off n sun burn all the way home, plenty of bbq meat and the occasional beer, apparently there was a motor race on to ?

Mr Whippy - 9/6/09 at 01:39 PM

buy some big plastic mud flaps and fit them to the front wings so they just miss the ground

better than getting spray in the face

Guinness - 9/6/09 at 02:16 PM

The hazard switch (if using the standard Sierra switch gear / cowl) is suceptible to rain. Bit of tape over the top of it / round it should help of left out overnight.

Good luck!


speedyxjs - 9/6/09 at 04:06 PM

Turn into the slide

BenB - 9/6/09 at 05:34 PM

Make sure your tyres are new(ish) and with good pressuresotherwise on big puddles you'll aquaplane, waterproof the hazard switch as said, holes in the bottom of the floorpan, if you've got a screen make sure the wipers are up to spec (or get some of that spray / wipe on stuff to help rain come off it), drive with your lights on so people can see the rear red lights if you've got a rear ali panel (I'd suggest switching on the rear fog but its a bit antisocial)..... Carry around some WaterDisperant40 for the electrics.... And pack shed loads of dry clothes wrapped up in a bin bag so they don't get soaked.... And some hot coffee for when the rain finds the hole in your waterproofs!!!

speedyxjs - 9/6/09 at 07:33 PM

Originally posted by BenB

I never knew that what it stood for

adithorp - 9/6/09 at 08:10 PM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
Originally posted by BenB

I never knew that what it stood for

...and the 40 is the 40th experiment.

Drive like you're on ice and you've got an egg under your foot if it's wet. They get tail happy very quick.

To keep kit dry get some dry bags from Aldi (should still be in stock). £6.99 each, hold 15lts and a lot tougher and more reliable than bin bags.


skidude88 - 10/6/09 at 01:53 PM

Take a brollie!

Had a miserably wet one in '07 queuing in and out of track - Put it up when stationary (good for about 10 mph) - Much to the amusement of everyone else leaving the track.

Unfortunately I've no pics - wasn't funny at the time as it was wet every day, but time heals!

... would normally be on the way down today! (

Hope you have a dry one has good as '04,'05 & '06