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Pedal Box - I am rubbish - Cannot make a decision !
wombat - 27/11/11 at 06:52 PM

Cannot make my mind up do I :-

1. OBP Pedal Box with balance bar
2. Tiger own set up

For and against:-
1. One piece of kit and looks good - But will it pass IVA Norwich
2. Proven set up which passes IVA Norwich - Clutch n Brake are seperate units and throttle is a top mount swing

Heart says OBP Type
Head says Tiger

Aaaaaarghh !

T66 - 27/11/11 at 06:58 PM

Ive got an OBP box - why wont it pass an IVA ?

My car isnt IVA yet however...

Nash - 27/11/11 at 07:10 PM

Adjustable balance bar is not acceptable for IVA

wombat - 27/11/11 at 07:13 PM

From searching the net, build blogs etc I picked up that certain IVA stations dont like bias bars. A friend of mine has just had a nightmare getting his Sebring through at Norwich recently. Ended up re-piping and fitting a mini cooper proportion valve.
I only want to do it the once ta.....

wombat - 27/11/11 at 07:14 PM


Even if drilled and pinned off ?

Nash - 27/11/11 at 07:25 PM

I believe the ruling is you can't Adjust them once set. I do seem to recall a lot of debate around the drill and pin question. May be worth checking with VOSA


T66 - 27/11/11 at 07:32 PM

Good point - I had assumed that drilling & pin was acceptable, sure I had read somewhere of them getting a spot of weld on them.

Its all designed to put us off Im certain....

wombat - 27/11/11 at 07:36 PM

Thx for feedback.
As you see its not quite as simpe as it sounds at first.
Sure some other knowledge to come from locosters yet.....

sdh2903 - 27/11/11 at 07:47 PM

I have an OBP one, ive used lock nuts and its all wirelocked up, I'm sure at the time that was deemed acceptable but haven't been through IVA yet. Not sure if the goalposts have moved again tho?

Stuart_B - 27/11/11 at 08:13 PM

hi there, eddie99 recently passed his iva at Norwich, with a bias bar, i will point him to this thread and he can tell you what he done


loggyboy - 28/11/11 at 07:26 AM

iirc, the latest iva manual confirms drilling and lock wire is acceptable.

loggyboy - 28/11/11 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by loggyboy
iirc, the latest iva manual confirms drilling and lock wire is acceptable.

to confirm, note 5 section 9b does state lockwire is acceptable.

iank - 28/11/11 at 07:56 AM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Originally posted by loggyboy
iirc, the latest iva manual confirms drilling and lock wire is acceptable.

to confirm, note 5 section 9b does state lockwire is acceptable.

But you need a warning sticker telling the next owner not to remove the lockwire. 9b item 27 and note 6

Wording required is
"Adjusting front/rear brake bias may invalidate approval and breach Construction and Use requirements. "

IVA is easier in this respect than SVA. I think they realised everyone was just making them adjustable again after the test.

[Edited on 28/11/11 by iank]

wombat - 28/11/11 at 11:42 AM


Thx for the feedback.

Any advice on setting it up before locking off?
Thinking it would be a pain if tester says balance is incorrect at that stage...

Stuart_B - 4/12/11 at 04:41 PM

i helped eddie set up his, to pass the iva, have he had the most force as we could on the front and then wind back 4 turns, which woudl give you around a 70/30 spilt.

but we had an area where we tested it

hope this helps


wombat - 4/12/11 at 08:30 PM

Cheers Stu, yup talked with Ed too.
Luckily we are fairly rural here so will be able to try it out before hand.

wombat - 19/12/11 at 10:39 PM

OK decision made and bought an OBP Pedal Box. Nice piece of kit, well finished.
Anyone got pictures of linking throttle and clutch cables to pedals with this box?