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July's Classic Bike mag - "fix leaking carbs"
skidude88 - 29/6/09 at 09:30 AM

There's a detailed article along the lines of the problem I'm having.

Article repair starts off...

"Honda uses very small o-rings to seal both the main jet and the float-valve body"

Its saying to uses Gaskets Sealer for the O -rings in the float chamber, doesn't specify the brand, but the relevant picture is captioned "apply a very thin smear or silicon RTV"

The article then indicates to use this to seal the float chamber body

I was under the impression RTV wasn't fuel resistantproof

Does anyone out there know who is correct?

As a side point - I've already tried using the original gaskets with both Universal Blue and Loctite 5299 as a dressing (as both are Fuel resistant) - neither have sealed the chambers

Gaskets are 2-6 weeks from Honda @ £31 each - hence the interest in the article

[Edited on 29/6/09 by skidude88]