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tyrrell - 24/4/15 at 12:59 PM

Hi all

been a member on here for a while, had a few projects in the past.

currently building a rwd bike engine mini and a vtec mini but that's another story.

so it started life with a cbr1000f engine in the front with a prop driving an mg axle, this was all very heavy and done very badly so its all gone! lol
the exhaust manifold was on the oil filter, subframe, all sorts of horrible bits

I started by repairing and replacing the floor panels

and cut all the horrible suspension mounts to bits

replaced the valance and started to de seam

then started building turrets and floor

shortly realised that this was not the best way to do this and started again!

so cut it all out...

MOGSI at WWTS converted a MX5 lsd to chain drive for me

and I set about making the carriers and tying together the rear end.

[Edited on 24/4/15 by tyrrell]

maccmike - 24/4/15 at 02:26 PM

Will enjoy your blog as doing something similar myself.
Will you IVA it?

tyrrell - 24/4/15 at 02:45 PM

Not sure, will get it built first and think about that after.

theduck - 24/4/15 at 03:29 PM

Surely to be legal it needs an IVA?

tyrrell - 24/4/15 at 04:01 PM

No doubt, might just keep it for track though.

skodaman - 24/4/15 at 05:27 PM

You've been watching too much Project Binky. Nice work.

tyrrell - 5/5/15 at 04:31 PM

this weekend I started to fibreglass the front end on and order a new engine from malc as the cbr1000f wouldn't fit due to the angle of the chain coming off the front sprocket without moving my diff into a ridiculous place.

after much consideration I went for the Big bang R1 engine. looking forward to getting this in!

tyrrell - 5/5/15 at 04:32 PM

also test fitted my arches...

the front end isn't bang on yet, going to need to open it up a bit to get decent bonnet gaps but no problem there.

kentmagpie - 10/5/15 at 07:17 PM

Originally posted by tyrrell
also test fitted my arches...

the front end isn't bang on yet, going to need to open it up a bit to get decent bonnet gaps but no problem there.

Gonna follow this build closely. Looks the nuts always liked minis especially modified ones. I keep looking at the one on pistonheads at the mo with the front engined b18c lump in it.

maccmike - 10/5/15 at 08:36 PM

What arches are they?

tyrrell - 10/5/15 at 08:43 PM

Miglia as wide as th mould allowed

tyrrell - 17/5/15 at 06:52 PM

Many thanks to malc at Yorkshire engines for the speedy delivery of my new 14b Big Bang R1 engine

Managed to get it mounted up today

tyrrell - 17/5/15 at 06:56 PM

Here's another view. Once I get it all set up and rolling again, will start on the body work.

kentmagpie - 17/5/15 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by tyrrell

Many thanks to malc at Yorkshire engines for the speedy delivery of my new 14b Big Bang R1 engine

Managed to get it mounted up today

Didn't know you were gonna be using a big bang lump. This is the engine i want in a seven. Why did you choose this engine over some of the more popular bec's?

tyrrell - 17/5/15 at 07:59 PM

Because they are a great engine, good specs, sound fantastic and it had 3k miles on it.

[Edited on 17/5/15 by tyrrell]

tyrrell - 17/5/15 at 08:01 PM

According to sources.

The 09 r1 engines on your don't require a sump baffle either.

kentmagpie - 17/5/15 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by tyrrell
According to sources.

The 09 r1 engines on your don't require a sump baffle either.

Did malc tell you that? I think the auto grass boys use them and they really rate em. Andy bates told they could be susceptible to failure similar to the 08 versions. When you get it running gives us a shout I'd like to see it and here it. I'm only down the road in orpington

[Edited on 17/5/15 by kentmagpie]

kentmagpie - 17/5/15 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by tyrrell
According to sources.

The 09 r1 engines on your don't require a sump baffle either.

Gonna be one mean sounding mini

[Edited on 17/5/15 by kentmagpie]

tyrrell - 17/5/15 at 08:49 PM

Malc made a few phones calls and yes apparently they don't need additional baffles as they are almost baffled as standard.

Where I have mounted it in the same orientation as the bike it shouldn't be as bad for oil surge as turning in on its side anyway.
(So I'm told)

kentmagpie - 17/5/15 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by tyrrell
Malc made a few phones calls and yes apparently they don't need additional baffles as they are almost baffled as standard.

Where I have mounted it in the same orientation as the bike it shouldn't be as bad for oil surge as turning in on its side anyway.
(So I'm told)

One thing I couldn't find any info on was the original airbox. It's huge. Are you doing anything about it or leaving it as it is? The reason I ask is that in a 7 car they seem to be bulging through the bonnets and I don't know why people opted for this if they didn't have to.

[Edited on 17/5/15 by kentmagpie]

tyrrell - 17/5/15 at 08:55 PM

Leaving well alone, it contains 4 additional injectors too.

Serious piece of kit

kentmagpie - 17/5/15 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by tyrrell
Leaving well alone, it contains 4 additional injectors too.

Serious piece of kit

Bloody hell that makes sense why people left them bulging through the bonnet then. What you doing fuelling wise?

[Edited on 17/5/15 by kentmagpie]

tyrrell - 18/5/15 at 09:36 AM

what do you mean fueling wise ?

running the R1 pump from an alloy tank in the front.

kentmagpie - 18/5/15 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by tyrrell
what do you mean fueling wise ?

running the R1 pump from an alloy tank in the front.

Some people have swirl pots, 2 pumps and all sorts of different setups. Also just taking notes for future reference as I'd like to use this engine in a future build

tyrrell - 18/5/15 at 09:46 AM

Will prob just build a swirl pot around the pump in my alloy tank

kentmagpie - 18/5/15 at 11:01 AM

Originally posted by tyrrell
Will prob just build a swirl pot around the pump in my alloy tank

Is it your dad whose the fabricator? I'm sure it was yourself who suggested their dad could make up engine mounts to drop a big bang in a seven.

tyrrell - 26/5/15 at 11:44 AM

So after making the engine mounts and bolting it in, moved back round to the front.

made the fuel take supports

tyrrell - 26/5/15 at 11:46 AM

Will be welding up some of the tank feeds and installing the r1 pump in the bottom of the tank.

next im going to build a larger centre tunnel then pain the bay and inside.

tyrrell - 1/6/15 at 10:35 AM

was not happy with the front engine mounts so I bent a tube up and remade them, think its alot nicer this way

also found a new place for my old cbr1000f engine

tyrrell - 1/6/15 at 10:37 AM

also made a small bracket to hold the exhaust and pick up the lower rear mount.

tyrrell - 8/6/15 at 07:11 AM

built the tunnel and seam sealed all the welds.

collected the new engine for my FWD mini

kentmagpie - 8/6/15 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by tyrrell
also made a small bracket to hold the exhaust and pick up the lower rear mount.

Got any pics of the other mini? Both builds sound awesome

tyrrell - 24/6/15 at 09:58 PM

Got some fibreglass doors for it

And also my seats came!

daniel mason - 24/6/15 at 10:08 PM

Are the front and rear sprockets in line?

tyrrell - 24/6/15 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by daniel mason
Are the front and rear sprockets in line?

Of course

daniel mason - 25/6/15 at 06:05 AM

That's good!
Must be the camera angle that makes them look out of line! Nice work