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PCB production needed
ChrisW - 21/1/11 at 12:07 AM

Is there anyone with either access at work to the correct equipment, or a DIY setup, that could produce a PCB for me from an Eagle layout file?

I used to have all the kit, but it's all been thrown out/broken/re-deployed over the years. Been keeping my eye on eBay for a bubble etch tank, but seems they don't come up that often!

Can anyone help me out?

Cheers, Chris

Strontium Dog - 21/1/11 at 12:23 AM

Hi Chris,

my friend uses this method to make boards. It is way better than I would have expected possible and well worth doing this way. He makes some very sophisticated prototypes like this. Proper locost

Loads more info on the web how to do this, this was just the first link I found!


You don't need to use photo paper either, glossy magazines work really well too, but you need to cut them accurately so you can repeatedly print on them in the same place.

[Edited on 21/1/11 by Strontium Dog]

Madinventions - 21/1/11 at 12:29 AM

I've got most of the stuff to do it, but all my chemicals are way past their best, and I can't read Eagle files unfortunately. I never bothered using a bubble tank either - just sloshed the ferric back and forth in a tray until etching was complete.
The last time I needed a quick PCB, I got hold of one of these kits.
May be a cheap-ish option for a prototype/one-off?


[Edited on 21/1/11 by Madinventions]

mad4x4 - 21/1/11 at 07:24 AM

You can do them youself. If you get a laser printer and print onto SHINY inject photo paper the toner doesnt stick that well it then becomes like an iron on transfer.

Linky to more paper ideas

rf900rush - 21/1/11 at 07:33 AM


I have used these people for home DIY PCB,s PCBTRAIN LINK

You can order as little as 1 PCB, although 1 small PCB will cost £50-60.

The PCB EXPRESS PCB's are quick and cheap-ish, but there are no error checks, no solder mask/ledgends etc.

you can get an online quotes as well.

Approx cost for 100mm x 100mm is 1off £30, 4off £75 +VAT P&P (£50,£100).

bitsilly - 21/1/11 at 08:16 AM

You could try those generic rail boards, where you break the links you don't need,
or your local secondary school would have the kit to design and machine ot if they are not too poor (tech dept). Ask the DT technician and offer to buy them a new saw or something.
Or there is a way of drawing on what you need and then etching the rest off, but it takes a bit of practice.
I would not be surprised if someone on Ebay is offering once off production??

MikeRJ - 21/1/11 at 08:31 AM

For top quality, low volume PCB manufacturers you probably won't beat Olimex. I and several people at work have used them in the past with excellent results - they really know their stuff and will contact you if they spot any obvious errors in your design rather than just making a load of scrap etc. One 6.3" x 3.9" single sided panel is 24 euros including solder mask and printed component references. Obviously the price goes down with quantity.

tegwin - 21/1/11 at 10:10 AM

On a side note, has anyone ever seen metal core PCB suitable for photo etching?

ChrisW - 21/1/11 at 10:23 AM

Hi guys

Just to clarify, I've used all the DIY etching methods plenty of times in the past, so I'm familiar with laser printing backwards onto transparencies and all that stuff.

Reason for wanting a tank is to contain everything and avoid mess. I used to use plastic trays years ago, but there was always spillage!

For the cost of some of these professional prototype companies I could buy all the chemicals again and do it myself!!

I was hoping someone would have a setup at home ready to go that could run a board through for me. DIY is fine, I'm just being lazy and don't want to annoy the Mrs by making a mess in the utility room!
