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Murdered my red-top yesterday.....
stevegough - 4/5/11 at 08:07 AM

I have had a little mishap with my engine yesterday - You could call it 'self-inflicted' as just before going to stoneleigh, I bent my brake and accelerator pedal arms to the right to give a better fit for my feet. It was better, but what I didn't realise, if I floored it, the accelerator pedal could jam against the chassis rail. It did it once on the way to Stoneleigh, but freed off a second or two later. The second time it jammed was on the way to work, but it freed off again easily - third time, it didn't! engine revving like crazy, had to declutch, couldn't stop it - must have been 10 secs or so, approaching a busy junction - turned the ignition off - result - siezed engine.

So, anyone got a spare C20XE short engine (obviously, I've got all the ancilleries) ? I can come and collect and willing to pay 'reasonable money' for it - I dont want one I need to rebuild (I know my limitations!) but please ask around and see what's available?

Cheers, Steve.
By the way, it was great to finally meet a few of you 'in the flesh' at Stoneleigh - Mel,(rusty nuts) the two Clives and their wives, Liz and Sara,(Jollygreengiant and snuggs), Geoff (wilkingj), Beccy and 'feet'(Perci), tomgregory, neilP, kenton, steve lovelock, Paul(notts), Ken555, RichardK(and the 'Bruise', Adrian (adithorp) and quite a few others. It was a great weekend.

Edited to add...I can come and collect, but obviously (to me, anyway) I don't mean the other end of the country - I would arrange a courier for that.

[Edited on 4/5/11 by stevegough]

adithorp - 4/5/11 at 08:15 AM


It ran so well on the way down a well... but I thought you were just having fun when you came flying past!

If it's now siezed it'll have bent a rod.

jossey - 4/5/11 at 08:15 AM


sorry to hear that mate.

glad your ok though.

plenty worse things could have happened with that happening.

good luck with your rebuild but jus be thankful your ok.

cd.thomson - 4/5/11 at 08:25 AM

glad you're okay steve,

hope you get it sorted quickly, at least it wont be as tricky as fitting an engine for the first time!

jollygreengiant - 4/5/11 at 08:59 AM

Sorry to hear of your tribulations Steve. Nice to have met you as well.

Glad you got home though.

I too had sticking throttle problems on the way home, however, it was not due to pedal or a sticking spindle. You know you commented about the ducting and the hole in it, well, I found the missing bit that constituted the hole. It was trying to feed its self past the throttle butterfly. Un-sucessfully I might add. Looks like I have some repairs/modifications to make. It looks like it was caused by a stone being thrown up onto it so I shall have to replace the section and then I shall wrap it with a rubber type coating.

Hope you get sorted soon.

sevaun - 4/5/11 at 09:46 AM

Hi Steve
I have an engine and I've e mailed you.



karlak - 4/5/11 at 10:36 AM

No nothing about these engines etc, but did see this on another forum. He seems to think it is a bargain...**Bargain**

nige - 4/5/11 at 02:00 PM

no good at links soz

but there is a short block on ebay with dry sump

it s title is vauxhall 2000 engine

good look mate

stevegough - 4/5/11 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by nige
no good at links soz

but there is a short block on ebay with dry sump

it s title is vauxhall 2000 engine

good look mate

this one, you mean? VAUXHALL 2000cc engine block | eBay UK

Its quite a find, but I would need to rebuild the top of the engine, too - I'm not sure I'm up to that....

Thanks for the info, Steve.

stevegough - 6/5/11 at 07:26 AM

Thanks for all the heartfelt replies, Clive, Craig, Adrian and Jossey - you are quite right, it could have been so much worse.....

Cheers for the info and links, it looks like I am near enough sorted with a replacement, too thanks to sevaun.

Decided against the fancy one in your link, Karlak - it is a bargain, but I couldn't do full justice to it the way I planned to use it - it would have been a waste.

Thanks and regards, Steve and the PHOENIX ! (I had been wondering what to call it......)

ken555 - 6/5/11 at 08:14 AM

You need to update your footer

Luego Locost C20XE.
Build start: October 6th 2008.
First IVA failed Dec 2010.
Retested + passed Jan 28th 2011.
First drive Feb 10th 2011.
New Engine required May 2nd 2011.

hucky - 6/5/11 at 10:04 AM

hey fella, may be worth keeping an eye on these to ebay links


rally race c20xe engine | eBay UK

the first one is very local to me, so if you need it collecting from the guy let me know and ill pick it up for you.

stevegough - 6/5/11 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by hucky
hey fella, may be worth keeping an eye on these to ebay links


rally race c20xe engine | eBay UK

the first one is very local to me, so if you need it collecting from the guy let me know and ill pick it up for you.

Yes, thanks for the links, Hucky - I am watching the first one (and seven others) but the second one doesn't interest me - I've already got one engine in need of a rebuild!

All being well, I should be picking one up this weekend in any case - the ebay ones are there as 'possibles'. Appreciate your surfing for me, though.

stevegough - 6/5/11 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by ken555
You need to update your footer

Luego Locost C20XE.
Build start: October 6th 2008.
First IVA failed Dec 2010.
Retested + passed Jan 28th 2011.
First drive Feb 10th 2011.
New Engine required May 2nd 2011.

Yes, Ken - mine didn't last quite as long as yours, did it? Appreciate the humour, though......

stevegough - 8/5/11 at 08:53 PM

Thanks to everyone who posted links etc, I have now collected my replacement engine, (from sevaun in yorkshire) and I have commenced stripping out the poorly one.....
