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Diff repairer (Midalnds)
skidude88 - 2/7/12 at 08:55 PM

Dug out my knacked 3.14 7" sierra diff from the garage at the weekend (fight you all off with a big stick)

Suspect the outer roller Pinion Bearing has a problem (vertical slop\play on the front drive flange)

Repair kits seems cheap enough (shame is : I had a friend who worked for Timken, before she dumper her boyfriend and moving to the states with her girlfriend )

I've spent some time researching DIY overhaul and figure I wouldn't get past removing the splined nut in front of the bearing. (20 odd specialist tools listed)

A Job for the pros

Any recommendations for gearboxdiff repairers in the Leicester-HinckleyMidlands area?



ReMan - 2/7/12 at 09:14 PM

Remember my mate Will' from Rothley....

It would be nice for it to be £50, but I'm not sure you get anything done for that these days

skidude88 - 2/7/12 at 09:22 PM

That's a link for the past - When summers where dry!!!

.....& There's loads of things you can get done for 50 quid these days - Such as prop-shaft adjustment- balancing

skidude88 - 2/7/12 at 09:31 PM

Looks like he(they) still haven't figured out a web presence (6 years on)

...Still appear to be listed at that address though!

snakebelly - 2/7/12 at 10:06 PM

Give Roger a call at Roger Baylis Transmissions, old school guy near Dudley 01384 564844, always done me top notch work, not the cheapest but worth every penny

BobM - 3/7/12 at 05:57 AM

Ken Greenway knows his way round diffs and is Midlands based. Contact his son Austen - MK9R on here