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aries rear arches in black
Ian Jones - 3/5/13 at 04:03 AM

As above. Im looking for 2 rear arches for a aries // Stuart Taylor in black please. Anyone selling?


puma931 - 3/5/13 at 07:50 AM

Try low7man on ebay, as his new grp items are great value for money

Ian Jones - 3/5/13 at 08:14 AM

Do you have a link to his page please

puma931 - 3/5/13 at 09:39 AM

Looks likehes is not advertising on ebay at the moment.

PAUL FISHER - 3/5/13 at 12:52 PM

Ian, go to aries direct, they are as cheap as chips, and fit perfect with know cutting out, regards Paul