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parts for honda 893
chesney321 - 5/11/14 at 06:05 PM

choke cable clamp from carbs and clutch cable holder from gearbox

olimarler - 5/11/14 at 06:18 PM

Check out these guys!
Never let me down!!


IainL - 5/11/14 at 06:30 PM

Try Andy Bates at Ab performance, help me out with the clutch cable retainer

I have never fitted the choke cable and never needed a choke to start it, but sometimes when it's very cold I've had to blow some warm air down the airbox to get it started but once started its fine


chesney321 - 5/11/14 at 06:59 PM

thank you olimarler lings are good have had a few bits off them recently ordered clutch bracket off them and paid for it only to get a call back next day to say they have no stock and would have to wait for one to be made and there is no knowing when that would be..

thank you iain will try it with out will try and get engine running tomorrow then send it off to steves for final prep for iva after Christmas