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Front splitters on fury's, do they work?
mark chandler - 16/1/16 at 05:33 PM

Starting the bidywork on my heresy fury, the old bodywork I picked up had a big splitter on it, very heavy so have pulled off, so I now have a choice, redo but lighter or leave as original, it was basically stuck on top.

The bodywork is pretty slippery out the box, when sprinting most bends are not taken at very high speeds, 'not that I have noticed anyway' so will a splitter really help or just be extra weight ?

I'm sure on the track it would assist, not convinced for sprinting?

se7ensport - 16/1/16 at 09:58 PM

Not a Fury, but on my Stylus it made a difference at anything over 50, not so much downforce but reduced the front end lift. Doesn't need to weight a lot, enough to stop the air going under the body as opposed to a full on splitter that pulls the front downwards; before over 80 and it got very light at the front and caused me to back out of full throttle, once fitted the loud pedal stays all the way down

[img] Stylus front
Stylus front

Kemble 2
Kemble 2

jeffw - 16/1/16 at 10:05 PM

At decents speeds it will reduce lift. I'm just getting a new one fitted to the Phoenix.

mark chandler - 17/1/16 at 10:54 AM

Looks like the plywood and squirty foam is coming out later today then

Thanks chaps

907 - 17/1/16 at 11:10 AM

Unfortunately the more you decrease lift and therefore increase downforce the more top speed suffers.

Nothings for free in this world.

Paul G

mark chandler - 17/1/16 at 12:19 PM

In cycle wing/chapmans locost guise it could hit 130mph + by the brands pitfall, I,m hoping the fury body although heavier will get me there sooner.

2 seconds to make up when sprinting, I have a long long way to go so hoping grip and slipperiness will overcome the extra weight involved, if nothing else it looks the business now

Shaggydoo - 23/1/16 at 11:55 PM

I have one on my westfield and honestly didn't notice any benefit at all other than aesthetics only.