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Arsehole evayers !!
tompat3463 - 13/11/13 at 09:16 AM

I've recently put one if my mini shells up for sake on eBay. It was the worst of the two I own but didn't need that much welding compared to others.

I wasn't expecting much for the shell just wanted it out of the way. it sold for £77 and I was happy about this.

So the buyer pays the monies into PayPal and then sends a message stating the shell will be getting picked up within 14 days by a courtier which he will be arranging. Great stuff !!

14 days pass with no more correspondence then I get £77 held from my PayPal and a message from
The buyer saying "the courrier came to collect the shell but no one was in, the courrier has cost me £150 I would like a refund please "


So I'm supposed to sit on my arse for 14 days waiting for a courier to collect the shell when I clearly stated the shell was collection only !!

Then this morning I've had a message off him asking when we will be getting his refund

Some people mind !!!

[Edited on 13/11/13 by tompat3463]

loggyboy - 13/11/13 at 09:21 AM

Give him his £77, cancel the ebay transaction and get your final listing fee refunded.
Relist and stress that collection must not only be made but at a mutually agreed time (in writing). (which to be fair should be obvious without having to write it, but when it comes to the morons that frequent ebay these days, I make sure its all spelt out so even they can understand.)

T66 - 13/11/13 at 09:29 AM

He is the buyer, and in ebay world he wins....

refund the arsehole and be very very specific in the relisted advert, ebay is full of idiots. I could tell you a few tales myself, but I would just get annoyed.

Good luck

Jon Ison - 13/11/13 at 09:33 AM

You may have got off light, never ever ever ever accept PayPal for a collected item. Refund his money, block him and move on.

eta, out of interest what claim as he made with PayPal ? Item not received ? You could play silly buggers with him for a while as Im sure you will have listed it as collection only ? Again I cant stress enough if/when you relist do not under any circumstances accept PayPal for a collected item.

[Edited on 13/11/13 by Jon Ison]

tompat3463 - 13/11/13 at 09:50 AM

yeah I have relisted the shell and have started a little war with the buyer.

the hold has been put on the money as (item not received)

The shell has a V5 if anyone is interested on here lol

liam.mccaffrey - 13/11/13 at 10:39 AM

I thought you couldn't refuse to accept paypal anymore.....

joneh - 13/11/13 at 01:20 PM

I once had a similar thing when I sold a satellite dish for 99p collection only. He then wanted it posted to Italy!

Probably the wrong advise, but I'd try to be the bigger arsehole and insist he collects it..

Smokey mow - 13/11/13 at 01:40 PM

for items which I sell for collection only I always advertise as being "cash only on collection". If they choose to ignore it and pay by paypal instead then I'll refund them straight away and send a message to remind them of my payment terms.

scootz - 13/11/13 at 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Smokey mow
for items which I sell for collection only I always advertise as being "cash only on collection". If they choose to ignore it and pay by paypal instead then I'll refund them straight away and send a message to remind them of my payment terms.

Tried that once before... guy complained to eBay and they found in his favour. I had to accept PayPal.