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Red bull raided
theconrodkid - 6/12/14 at 04:47 PM r />

whatever next,i hope they rot in hell !

mookaloid - 6/12/14 at 05:23 PM

Perhaps it was Vettel? Maybe they wouldn't let him have all his trophies when he left so he went in and got them? .....

Just kidding obviously

Ben_Copeland - 6/12/14 at 05:53 PM


CRAIGR - 6/12/14 at 06:01 PM

Probably taken as compensation by all the people who didn't get the wings they were promised .

morcus - 6/12/14 at 06:36 PM

What would you even do with Stolen trophies? surely they'd be very easy to trace?

BenB - 6/12/14 at 06:43 PM

Men in dark clothes on foreign plates? I reckon it was finger boy wanting "his" trophies back

skodaman - 6/12/14 at 09:51 PM

Clearly a mafia job instigated by Ferrari. It was probably even written into Vettel's contract. You can't blame him because he's not going to win anything with Ferrari.

James - 7/12/14 at 12:13 AM

There's a lot of pride held in those trophies for the guys at the factory not on the big money and the fame/fortune! Very sad.

Especially when you think that the intrinsic value of them is nothing to anyone else really. They're only valuable to the winners.

I've seen Mclaren's stuffed trophy cabinets a few times and lots of the trophies are really tacky and worth nothing to anyone else in terms of metals or re-sale. Some are just wood or glass or even plastic!

Interesting co-incidence it was just after the pics of Vettel standing in front of the cabinets came out.


bi22le - 7/12/14 at 01:37 PM

Originally posted by James
There's a lot of pride held in those trophies for the guys at the factory not on the big money and the fame/fortune! Very sad.

Especially when you think that the intrinsic value of them is nothing to anyone else really. They're only valuable to the winners.

I've seen Mclaren's stuffed trophy cabinets a few times and lots of the trophies are really tacky and worth nothing to anyone else in terms of metals or re-sale. Some are just wood or glass or even plastic!

Interesting co-incidence it was just after the pics of Vettel standing in front of the cabinets came out.


It is a strange thing to steal. They probably walked pasts millions of pounds of F1 cars to get to them. They are worthless.

My mums Swarovski collection is worth more. . . . .

ken555 - 16/12/14 at 04:00 PM

Got some back

[Edited on 16-12-14 by ken555]