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Acoustic bobbins?
BenB - 7/7/09 at 03:08 PM

It's neighbour placation time! We've got a grumpy neighbour who's complaining (still) about a buzzing noise coming through the party wall into their flat. To be fair it does create a fridge like hum in their flat...

So- how can I isolate it from the wall without getting all fancy with maths and calculations?

Rubber bobbins (like exhaust bobbins) to dampen the vibration? suspend the fan in mid air on springs like old microphones?!?!?

Ideas please? Preferably cheap as chips!!

balidey - 7/7/09 at 03:10 PM

whats causing the hum?

But both your suggestions are sound (excuse the pun )but if using rubber, the softer the better.

02GF74 - 7/7/09 at 03:23 PM

ear plugs?

BenB - 7/7/09 at 03:28 PM

Shotgun was my first thought.

The hum is the vibration coming from the fan resonating up through the wall....

Guinness - 7/7/09 at 03:30 PM

Better quality fan.

If it was a cheapy, it won't be balanced and will probably have cheap bearings.

Try a well known brand first, like Vent Axia etc. Solve the problem, rather than mask it.



chrisg - 7/7/09 at 04:05 PM

May I reccomend Messers Noel O Rourke and sons?

They'll go round and tell your neighbours to zip it or they'll post their dog back to them in fifteen seperate parcels.....



MikeR - 7/7/09 at 04:31 PM

turn the fan off?

BenB - 7/7/09 at 05:22 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
turn the fan off?

Genius! Except it's the ventilation fan for a tanked basement flat so it's kind of important unless we want to grow magic mushrooms on the walls

kj - 8/7/09 at 07:06 AM

How old is the flats?? are they council or private land lord as you could put it onto them to sort out.