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Post Office (Word of Warning)
scootz - 24/3/11 at 09:26 PM

I posted a set of clocks to Malc at Yorkshire Engines a while back... turns out they never arrived.

Disappointing as I never like to see someone getting let down, but at least no-one will be left out of pocket as I had a proof of posting and the value was near enough the standard comp-rate of £41. So I whack in my claim!

Got my reply. "Very sorry... blah blah... can't find the package... blah blah... we'll refund postage fee of £5... blah blah... but you ain't getting any compo because you don't have a receipt to prove that you once owned the damn clocks"! Receipt? I was selling the bloody things on behalf of someone else!

Unbelievable... now near-on £50 lighter for now't. That's 20% of a whole locost lost right there!

So the moral of the story - don't use RM to send anything... unless you still have the original receipt from when you bought it! And I've still got loads of sh*te (sorry - quality goods ) in my garage that came without receipts that I've yet to get moved on!

Danozeman - 24/3/11 at 09:33 PM

Royal mail is wank.. send stuff insured postage.

carpmart - 24/3/11 at 09:36 PM

Scootz - I love the sh*te in your garge, always a bargain, especially compared to what you typically have paid for it in the first place!

imp paul - 24/3/11 at 09:38 PM

sorry it sucks Scott keep your chin up mate i know its not nice all the best Paul

Dangle_kt - 24/3/11 at 09:39 PM

You should "find" a bill of sale, you know how easy they are to misplace! They are usually found folded into quarters and on the floor so a bit grubby, almost aged you might say.


I heard that some organisations use Microsoft Word templates to make their receipts.

Especially small ones, who close down not long after selling stuff.

scootz - 24/3/11 at 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Danozeman
Royal mail is w*nk.. send stuff insured postage.

You can insure it for as much as you like... no proof that what you said was in the parcel in the first place, then you ain't getting your compensation! No reward for honesty / trust - it just encourages you to be sneaky!

scootz - 24/3/11 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
You should "find" a bill of sale, you know how easy they are to misplace! They are usually found folded into quarters and on the floor so a bit grubby, almost aged you might say.


I heard that some organisations use Microsoft Word templates to make their receipts.

Especially small ones, who close down not long after selling stuff.

Ha Ha... was just telling Malc that I would keep the moral high-ground - it means I can get proper angry about it!!!

loggyboy - 24/3/11 at 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
You should "find" a bill of sale, you know how easy they are to misplace! They are usually found folded into quarters and on the floor so a bit grubby, almost aged you might say.


I heard that some organisations use Microsoft Word templates to make their receipts.

Especially small ones, who close down not long after selling stuff.


cliftyhanger - 24/3/11 at 09:42 PM

They all try to wiggle out of it.
The couriers are much worse than RM.

I have claimed a few times from RM, twice I printed an image for the part from an online catalogue, and claimed the amount for a new one. And another the ebay listing. All paid no problems.

Appeal, get a receipt for money paid from malcom (if he is willing) for the value of the goods. Or a letter saying "I have paid £35 to Mr XXX for XXXXXX which has not arrived."

That may do the trick? Never let them kow it was freebie stuff.

As an aside, one of the items I got paid out for arrived back to me a day before my compensation appeared. Goodness knows how it got lost, but did I return it? like hell I did. They were welcome to the magnetic drain plug if they wanted to keep it, but they never asked.

Snuggs - 24/3/11 at 09:43 PM

Just because you don't have a receipt doesn't mean you don't own it.

If you were selling parts from a vehicle you were breaking you would not have receipts for every part or even the whole vehicle.

I would fight them through the online small claims court as I don't believe they will contest it.

MakeEverything - 24/3/11 at 09:44 PM

Royal mail is riddled with lazy corrupt bent wankers. The guys on the ground (mostly) are ok. My postie is a top bloke.

scootz - 24/3/11 at 09:44 PM

Keep it coming guys... it's feeding my AAAANNNNNGGGGEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!

They won't like me when I'm angry!

ReMan - 24/3/11 at 09:47 PM

I posted the same sentiment recently after not recieving my (relatively low value) purchase from a fellow LCB.
Worst possible outcome seller loses goods and has to recompense buyer, shoudl hav just put £15 in a postbox.

I firmly believe that paying the extra 79p? makes all the differrenc to its chances


mrwibble - 24/3/11 at 09:59 PM

they tried the same with me at work, after sending someones £100+ spectacle frame. its a standard get out of paying response. i argued and 1 angry letter later i had a book of first class stamps and my £39 compensation as it was then. don't give up yet mate, make up an invoice for the goods if need be, they'll pay up, they just try it on first time round.

Ninehigh - 24/3/11 at 10:01 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
I posted the same sentiment recently after not recieving my (relatively low value) purchase from a fellow LCB.
Worst possible outcome seller loses goods and has to recompense buyer, shoudl hav just put £15 in a postbox.

I firmly believe that paying the extra 79p? makes all the differrenc to its chances


Doesn't mean they won't lose it... It just means they can find out that it's lost...

I've told them before "Refund or it's been stolen, and my solicitor can back that up tyvm"

Oh another word of advice, if you recieve something recorded delivery, don't sign it with your own name just like Sainsbury's bank (they have a bunch of mail handlers by the name "Hbos"

ReMan - 24/3/11 at 10:07 PM

No but it will be very obvious if more than a small number of recorded packages go missing on a particular patch
So the dishonest scum posties are much less likely to be tempted

blakep82 - 25/3/11 at 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by ReMan
Oh another word of advice, if you recieve something recorded delivery, don't sign it with your own name just like Sainsbury's bank (they have a bunch of mail handlers by the name "Hbos"

thats correct, sainsburys bank is run by hbos's_Bank

and tesco finance is/was RBS

Ninehigh - 25/3/11 at 01:45 AM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by ReMan
Oh another word of advice, if you recieve something recorded delivery, don't sign it with your own name just like Sainsbury's bank (they have a bunch of mail handlers by the name "Hbos"

thats correct, sainsburys bank is run by hbos's_Bank

and tesco finance is/was RBS

No idea where the wink came from but my point with the signature is that apparently it's down to Postie as to whether the letter should be signed for by a person with a name (who can therefore be traced) or whatever the hell they want (as companies are wont to do) Was highly annoying as we sent everything recorded so if it came to it we can say "You did get this letter it was signed for by this person here"

Thus when I signed the last one "DDS" and he complained I politely invited him in to show him the signatures of all the people called "HBOS" that are acceptable.

blakep82 - 25/3/11 at 02:02 AM

ah, i get you now.
well, think about it from the banks mail room side, they get say 1000 letters every day, 200 of which need to be signed for. i wouldn't expect the guys in the mailroom to sign every one of those letters indiviually, checking every single one while the postman stands there waiting. even if every one was signed indivually, and you phoned up, and a manager went to the mail room and spoke to the guy who signed for it, do you think he'll remember that one specific letter?

also remember, the letters will be received by one guy, then passed over to scanning for it to be scanned on the system so anyone who needs to see it, can see it. so it may go through up to 5 people or so before it gets that far (the guy who signs, then on to sorting, then to the guy who takes the ones to scanning, then someone passes them out to someone at scanning, then someone scans it on.

is the first guy who signed for it responsible for it falling off the trolley on the way to scanning? or for the guy in scanning who didn't see it stuck on the back of another letter from someone else?

the fact that is was signed for by hbos 'should' be enough to show it got there, but has no relevance on what happens once it gets to the bank

once its there though, depending on how busy they are, it can take several hours to be scanned on. when i was at RBS, the worst i saw was something like 2 days, where it was normally about 4 hours or so

worth bearing in mind when posting anything to any big company with processing centres

[Edited on 25/3/11 by blakep82]

HowardB - 25/3/11 at 06:29 AM

my bro had a new PC shipped to him by RM, and it got damaged, it was a mate that built it, and so he printed out the invoice and sent it to RM.

Ask Malc at YE to do you a favour and send a copy of the pro-forma that he paid against, perhaps that might convince RM.

Otherwise get ANGRY!


cd.thomson - 25/3/11 at 08:59 AM

I packaged my old ps3 as advised by my local post office then had it insured once they felt it could travel safely to its destination.

It arrived smashed and apparently I hadn't packaged the item properly. After explaining the situation and the advice I'd been given the complaints department gave my local PO a call. They, of course, confirmed that they would never ever give anybody dodgy advice ever so it came down to my word against theirs. Obviously I'm a lying cretin so I ended up £250ish lighter..

macspeedy - 25/3/11 at 01:19 PM

Had probs with the royal mail too... delivered to wrong addresses or failing to ring the bell for packages!!

owelly - 25/3/11 at 02:40 PM

I was expecting a package and I wanted it ASAP so I got it delivered to my work address. The firm that sent it used RM instead of their usual courier 'so they could track it easier'. The parcel never arrived when it was supposed to so the sender contacted RM who explained that they tried to deliver it but there was no-one in.
So, the delivery guy turned up at my workplace, which is an RAF Station, manned 24hours a day, every day, and there was no-one in?? Where was this doorbell he rang? WHich door did he knock on? Was it the first barrier manned by at least three armed MoDPlod? Or did he manage to evade that and get to the next barrier which has a police station fastened to it, and is also manned 24/7 by around 13 BiB? Or did he get past all of the security and knock on the door of the RAF Admin building which may be empty out of normal working hours?
Any of the MoDPlod would send the delivery driver down to the powerstation where I work, and that is also manned 24/7.
RM tell lies. They are bad.

myke pocock - 25/3/11 at 02:41 PM

Out of work at pres so decided to do the Hospital Car Service to cover the cost of tax and insurance a bit. Sent two letters off at exactly the same time, both fully pre paid by the NHS and both with the same full address on from one Carlisle address to another Carlisle address. One gets there, the other doesnt. The one that didnt? Had my passport and driving license in it. F***ing RM's gonna cost me a mint. Ile need the job, and its only voluntary and only pays mileage, just to pay for the replacements in the first place.

scootz - 19/4/11 at 11:52 AM


I wrote them a polite yet strongly worded letter explaining that I had witnesses who could speak of me owning the part and of me posting the part, and that I would take legal action if they didn't resolve the matter to my satisfaction.

They got back to me today.

Tough! No proof of value... no compensation!

balidey - 19/4/11 at 12:22 PM

Most people get what's coming to them.

Unless it was sent by Royal Mail

sonic - 19/4/11 at 08:09 PM

I get loads of post undelivered, bank statements,bills etc.

First i know is when i get a phone call from BT saying you havent paid the bill, and then i say what bill i havent received it.

I have complained a number of times to no availe.

Try doing this, Get an envelope and put your own address on and post it, now write down when you sent it and wait to see how long it takes.

I did this eight days ago first class and i am still waiting!!!

I was wondering if there is some sort of cheap tracking device you can buy and put in a Jiffy bag and track on your computer, it would be interesting to see were it goes and ends up.

Ninehigh - 19/4/11 at 08:22 PM

I'm quite sure there is, and it would be even funnier when you ring them to find out when they're posting it.

Yes we can't find the package

Well why don't you try the east wall of your Clackheaton office?

Now why would you say it's there?

Because the tracker I was posting is active and that's where it is, now get it posted!

I'm sure I've said this before unless I want to read it "it didn't turn up"

BenB - 19/4/11 at 08:41 PM

Don't get me started. My local sorting office delivered a "sorry you were out" card despite the fact that I was in and sat six foot away from the front door so even if they didn't ring the doorbell I would have heard them knocking. Went to the local sorting office who said that they couldn't find it and I needed to go to RM head office who might be able to find it "further up the chain". WTF? The card came from their office.
Absolute shower the lot of them.

yorkshire-engines - 19/4/11 at 09:06 PM

I still not got it scootz but if you need any form of paperwork just ask mate

cheers malc

[Edited on 19/4/11 by yorkshire-engines]

Ninehigh - 20/4/11 at 08:33 AM

Also if you need me to make up a receipt that I sold you those clocks for (insert price here) I'd be happy to post that to you

Badger_McLetcher - 20/4/11 at 01:01 PM

Didn't PPC have something similar recently with the ECU for the 27 litre SD1? Basically it got "Lost" by RM then sold off to a Ebay seller. This is apparently RM standard practice, so if I were you keep an eye on Ebay and get ready to send even angrier correspondence!