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7 weeks off work....good news, bad news...
NigeEss - 14/6/12 at 10:39 PM

Good News :
Got a major holiday comong up, off to Oz for a full calendar month, 2nd July to 3rd August
So far so good

Bad News :
However being self employed my boss doesn't give holiday pay so I'll be a bit skint on my return,
but fortunately I have plenty of work booked in for my return.

More Bad News :
This morning I got a summons for Jury Service starting 6th August Iknow the pay, but it's only £65
max a day, I was set to get much more than that and I really will need the extra. And I'll have to do
a hell of a lot of re-organisation

I believe I can request exemption as I served less than two years ago, but if they decline then I
probably will be unable to apply for a deferral. So I might just request a deferral straight away.
Really hoped I'd never be called again

slingshot2000 - 14/6/12 at 11:30 PM

England expects everyman to do his duty !

12 honest men ?

Be judged by your peers ?

Live by our laws and be judges by the same laws?

( I am not going to write this line until I see what comments the above gets
Jon )

craig1410 - 14/6/12 at 11:49 PM

If you've sat on a Jury within the last two years then you can claim ineligibility. That's what I did last year when called as I too am self employed and £65 a day certainly doesn't come close to covering my loss of earnings. I had a form in the summons which I returned and never heard any more from them. No doubt I'll get called in 6 months or so...

snapper - 15/6/12 at 03:30 AM

Do something wrong and you never get called.
I never get called!!!

Jasongray5 - 15/6/12 at 04:31 AM

What Part of Australia are you heading to? If its not in the north, then bring your jeans and jumpers, its bloody freezing at the moment over here!

rusty nuts - 15/6/12 at 06:36 AM

Ignore the summons! . My mother was sent one to her old address a year after moving house , she had stopped redirecting the mail after 6 months so she missed the date she should have attended, she contacted the court to be told they are not sent out by recorded delivery so no proof that you recieved it and that they always summon more people than needed.

cliftyhanger - 15/6/12 at 06:53 AM

Not sure that is the best idea, there is probably some hideous punishment for contempt if they find out.

I would ask for the exemption. Possibly phoning and speaking to somebody may be useful too, often very fruitful way of getting info. If they confirm you would be exempt, that is sorted. If they imply you will still be expected, defer.

I am lucky, never been called. My mrs was, spent 2 weeks waiting every morning, never went in a courtroom.

MikeRJ - 15/6/12 at 07:40 AM

I got summonsed twice when I was quite a bit younger and I was quite excited about it to be honest, but both times I was contacted and told I was no longer needed after I had arranged things with my employer. If they contact me again I shall feel no guilt in messing them around to the same extent they messed me around.

NigeEss - 15/6/12 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by Jasongray5
What Part of Australia are you heading to? If its not in the north, then bring your jeans and jumpers, its bloody freezing at the moment over here!

Flying into Perth but travelling north to Kununarra in a camper :-)

RichardK - 15/6/12 at 12:10 PM

It's cold in Perth too Hopefully your going via Coral Bay then onto Broome)

Shout if you need anything while you're here!

What time you flying in?I maybe able to pick you up if it's a sensible time



[Edited on 15/6/12 by RichardK]

BenB - 15/6/12 at 12:28 PM

I would have thought by the time you get back from Australia you'ld have had enough of crims

sickbag - 15/6/12 at 01:49 PM

Contact them and let them know you are self-employed, and they could never hope to re-imburse your losses, they'll then take you off their list for a year or two. I've been called 3 times in the past 7 years and managed to get out of it each time with the above excuse.

NigeEss - 15/6/12 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by RichardK
It's cold in Perth too Hopefully your going via Coral Bay then onto Broome)

Shout if you need anything while you're here!

What time you flying in?I maybe able to pick you up if it's a sensible time



[Edited on 15/6/12 by RichardK]

Certainly are !

That's a very generous offer Rich, but we have family in Applecross who are both picking
us up and travelling with us too. Thanks very much though.

NigeEss - 15/6/12 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by BenB
I would have thought by the time you get back from Australia you'ld have had enough of crims

Originally posted by sickbag
Contact them and let them know you are self-employed, and they could never hope to re-imburse your losses, they'll then take you off their list for a year or two. I've been called 3 times in the past 7 years and managed to get out of it each time with the above excuse.

Spoke to them today, I'm guaranteed to be excused as it's been less than two years since I last did jury service.

Jasongray5 - 16/6/12 at 09:37 AM

Do the Gibb river road. Even If you dont get a 4wd atleast do Derby to Fitzroy crossing. Stopping at Wyngana gorge and Tunnel Creek. Absolutely Amazing. We did it in an old ford falcon, so dont listen to the hype, you will make it and it will be awsome!