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Daily Feckin Fail...
scootz - 1/2/13 at 08:40 AM

Maybe it's just me, but I'm sure that what I see is almost the exact opposite of what the Daily Fail and Mister Innocent claim to have happened...


My interpretation is that the cop has approached the vehicle and the driver has started to cut-up rough (probably due to the fact that he has been drink-driving!). The driver tries to get out, so the cop tries to keep the door closed until assistance arrives. The drivers feet then appear at window height and he starts to escape from the car feet-first through the window, then the driver starts fighting with the cop once he's outside. Nowhere did I see the cop 'raining blows' on the driver, or pulling him from the car. It was quite the opposite!

Oh, and as for being innocent of the drink driving offence... turns out he got his CONVICTION overturned on a paperwork technicality!

This sort of nonsense really frustrates me. People have always lied. Papers have also always lied. I get it! But the papers onlyy used to do it surreptitiously. Seems now they are content to lie despite the opposite facts being plain for all to see. Where oh where did it all go wrong???

Xtreme Kermit - 1/2/13 at 08:51 AM

Looks fairly clear to me that the 'innocent party' has been caught out and is desperately trying to do a runner.

If someone was leaning into the car hitting you, would you try to get out past him???

mcerd1 - 1/2/13 at 09:48 AM

Originally posted by scootz
Papers have also always lied. I get it! But the papers onlyy used to do it surreptitiously. Seems now they are content to lie despite the opposite facts being plain for all to see.

I recon they are just too lazy - they just print the story they are given (in this case I'd bet it was given to them by the 'innocent party' ), checking the facts and getting a ballance of opinions costs time and money.....

you might have noticed a certain local paper round here will print more or less anything you give them....

[Edited on 1/2/2013 by mcerd1]

bodger - 1/2/13 at 09:59 AM

I was at Gatwick last year waiting to take-off when a Virgin flight landed with a smoke indication on the flight deck. I was listening in on the emergency frequency & heard the conversation between the Captain & the fire crew so I have a pretty good idea of what actually happened . The fire crew couldn't find any evidence of smoke or fire around the rear of the aircraft however the alarm went off again & the Captain elected to do a precautionary evacuation. What was the headline in the Daily Mail ?:

'Blaze Jet'
15 injured as plane with 300 passengers is forced to make emergency landing at Gatwick after fire fills cabin with smoke
Fifteen injured as fire extinguishers used to tackle blaze at rear of aircraft

Its only when you have some background to a story do you realise how they deliberately sensationalise stuff to get you to buy the paper. Good for lighting a fire with though!

whitestu - 1/2/13 at 09:59 AM

I despair of the papers and media generally.

One of the BBC reporters yesterday asked someone he was interviewing if David Beckham was giving his £8.5 million salary to a charity as a tax dodge.

Agriv8 - 1/2/13 at 11:23 AM

only going to get worse.
Papers are loosing out to the internet so have to attractreadership by with catching headlines and then fill the rest with supposition rather than fact.

Due to social media a story that would break over 24 hours through Papers / TV can break on the net with 2.4 minutes.

My 2p deposited.

mookaloid - 1/2/13 at 11:25 AM

That's appalling. the copper was clearly trying to restrain a very wriggly drunk on his own.

It says he is a chief inspector which makes me think that he would not have been on the beat and fully equipped but out on his own perhaps just using the car park and sees a drunk about to drive off in a haphazard way. It is his duty to try and do something but he doesn't have cuffs or backup etc and so he does his best and then gets pilloried for it.

Any right minded person can see from the video that he was trying to keep the bloke in the car not drag him out.

MikeRJ - 1/2/13 at 11:27 AM

No surprises that the Daily Mail are willing to make up the facts to suit their own agenda. Why people continue to buy utter tripe like this is beyond me.

JoelP - 1/2/13 at 02:00 PM

At least the comments are quite conclusive. The scary thing is how many wallies will take that shite as factual impartial news.

dhutch - 1/2/13 at 02:05 PM

Originally posted by bodger
I was at Gatwick last year waiting to take-off when a Virgin flight landed with a smoke indication on the flight deck. I was listening in on the emergency frequency & heard the conversation between the Captain & the fire crew so I have a pretty good idea of what actually happened . The fire crew couldn't find any evidence of smoke or fire around the rear of the aircraft however the alarm went off again & the Captain elected to do a precautionary evacuation. What was the headline in the Daily Mail ?:

'Blaze Jet'
15 injured as plane with 300 passengers is forced to make emergency landing at Gatwick after fire fills cabin with smoke
Fifteen injured as fire extinguishers used to tackle blaze at rear of aircraft

Its only when you have some background to a story do you realise how they deliberately sensationalise stuff to get you to buy the paper. Good for lighting a fire with though!
My mate works at a (non operating, partially decomissioned) nuclear powerstation. Someone outside gets wind that one of the loo cisterns in the workmens bogs has overflowed and its 'another large leak of unidentified fluid at nuclear powerstation' front page headline.


David Jenkins - 1/2/13 at 05:45 PM

My wife and I often look out for the latest Daily Express headline when we're out shopping - great entertainment value!

The last one we saw said something like "3 months of killer snow coming!" - most of us got about 1 week's worth, or less.

Slimy38 - 1/2/13 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid and so he does his best

That is exactly how I see it. He was very much on his own, restraining the guy in the car would be a sensible thing to do. Dragging him out by the feet would have been completely pointless, you can plainly see the copy is the one holding the door shut!! Then again, if the 'victim' had any brain cells he'd have just got out the passenger side.

And people are wondering why the police force is dropping in number...

johnemms - 1/2/13 at 06:39 PM

Copper.. hand in car punchin him in the face on cam!
Fancied his chance draging him out and giving him some more..
Put me in a headlock like that and i'll give you a smack in the mouth too..

Sorry ..
met loads of coppers ..
all the same..

JoelP - 1/2/13 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by johnemms
Copper.. hand in car punchin him in the face on cam!
Fancied his chance draging him out and giving him some more..
Put me in a headlock like that and i'll give you a smack in the mouth too..

Sorry ..
met loads of coppers ..
all the same..

Reminds me of a saying. If you don't get on with one person, it's probably them. If you don't get on with loads of people, it might well be you!

I can honestly say I've never met a bad cop, and that includes ones arresting me.

scootz - 1/2/13 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by johnemms
Copper.. hand in car punchin him in the face on cam!
Fancied his chance draging him out and giving him some more..
Put me in a headlock like that and i'll give you a smack in the mouth too..

Sorry ..
met loads of coppers ..
all the same..
