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Extension - trenches dug! What about all the services?
Simon - 25/4/14 at 05:48 PM


Have dug the hole for the foundations and have various pipes etc going across - electric, surface water drains, telecom (can move this so not worried by it), gas and water supply.

Will be getting council man out next week - can I box all these items before he comes or wait? Also, does the boxing go to the bottom of trench, or just around the particular thing - most are midway down/up from the bottom.

Cheers all



JoelP - 25/4/14 at 06:18 PM

The only possible answer is ask the building inspector. His opinion is all the matters.

I was under the impression that you weren't allowed to build over the gas at all. Double check?

Smokey mow - 25/4/14 at 07:00 PM

For the drainage the normal convention is to wrap insulation around them, this creates a compressible void for the pipe to be able to move in. You only need to wrap it around a couple of times so that it's about 100-150mm thick and then wrap tape around to stop it from comming off. There's nothing wrong with building a box around the pipes if you prefer to but thats a lot more work

For the smaller services such as telecoms and gas etc I normally suggest using a short length of 32mm waste pipe. You can slit it lengthways clip it round the cable and then rejoin again.

There's nothing in the Building Regulation regarding the building over of gas supply pipes

StevieB - 25/4/14 at 07:18 PM

What founds are you doing - strip? Trench fill? Raft? This will dictate what solution you need.

If strip, you'd use a precast concrete lintel over the service in question, if trench fill then a compressible wrap as described above is the way.

Have you consulted your local building inspector? He'll want to see the bottom of the foundations before you pour any concrete and can also advise on how he wants you you tackle the services.

Simon - 25/4/14 at 10:02 PM

Trench fill - but nothing going in till he's seen them.

Dealt with him before and he's very helpful.

Was thinking about the split pipe route too



garyo - 26/4/14 at 05:13 AM

In theory you should have to divert gas but in reality it'll depend on your area and control officer. I've just done one where he was happy for it to be boxed in OSB shuttering. No need to go to the bottom of the trench - just make OSB boxing that gives the service 6 inches of breathing space all round, fill with pea single, and screw the top on. Depending on how close to the top you are you may decide there's no point putting a top on and then lintel over the tops.

I'd box them all in before he gets there, then he can approve your founds at the same time he approves you boxing method rather than needing to come back for another inspection, and then if you've got a following wind he probably won't ask too many questions and exactly what is inside each piece of boxing.

v8kid - 26/4/14 at 06:36 AM

Gas supply companies are very particular about how their services are boxed on. If it is after the meter you can do anything you like as far as they are concerned, however if it is before the meter the pipe is their responsibility and if they become aware of any building work will demand the pipe is diverted, boxed in with continuous ventilation to free air both sides or the meter point moved to the other side of the building .
They have considerable legal powers in this respect and will disconnect the supply.

Reason is leaks gas build up and explosions in voids kills people and is bad publicity for the gas company

Cheapest option is to moove the meter so any pipes under the building are on your side. Still the same risk of explosion but it will be your fault not theirs.


Simon - 26/4/14 at 02:15 PM

Gas pipe runs under the drive as it is. It will be far better protected in the footings

Cheers all

I will photo everything and box in. If he doesn't approve I'll unbox

