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New 50mph speed limit looms...........
mackei23b - 21/4/09 at 11:14 AM

deezee - 21/4/09 at 11:24 AM

Oh dear, now I'll defiantly be going too fast when I drive around Wales.

I wish the idiots who make the rules would realise that a better driving test, and more restrictions on learners would help in the long run, rather than punishing everyone.

I appreciate that the speed of the accident makes the difference between survival rates of accidents, but it doesn't stop the accidents in the 1st place.

smart51 - 21/4/09 at 11:27 AM

Remember this when you next put a cross on a ballot paper. We don't have to keep these people in office. Dare to vote differently than you usually do, or than your dad did. Choose a candidate or party who are likely to do things you like or at least not do things you dislike.

mookaloid - 21/4/09 at 11:32 AM

The bit that bothers me is that they say that if it is considered safe then the speed limit can stay as it is. However it is up to the local council to prove conclusively that it is safe to leave the limit alone.

No council is going to bother doing this so it really is a blanket speed limit

Mr Whippy - 21/4/09 at 11:32 AM

try as I do to stick to the speed limits, especially so on my motorbike and all that happens is all the other SOAB's on the road overtake at every dangerous opportunity, and most of that is in 30mph zones.

Totally agree with the above of voting the current loonies in power out

[Edited on 21/4/09 by Mr Whippy]

mookaloid - 21/4/09 at 11:36 AM

Originally posted by smart51
Remember this when you next put a cross on a ballot paper. We don't have to keep these people in office. Dare to vote differently than you usually do, or than your dad did. Choose a candidate or party who are likely to do things you like or at least not do things you dislike.

Couldn't agree more.....

blakep82 - 21/4/09 at 11:38 AM

hmm, i think this might actually increase congestion.

sickbag - 21/4/09 at 11:40 AM

They'd be fewer deaths on the roads if they educated the pedestrians instead of the drivers.

mad4x4 - 21/4/09 at 11:40 AM

I agree with above

1) We vote them (well Blair) in (not Brown - different arguement)

2) We don't enforce the 60mph Speed limit and on Motorways there are hardly any traffice police because they are doing paper work - how will they police the thousands of miles of "rural roads" to enforce this?

3) I agree that a lot of acidents on "rural roads" are "speed related". They are also "Bike Related" and "Young Chav" related and "Drink" related.....

So why not Ban all Bikes & under 80 (eigthy's) from Driving and make the UK a prohibition state. Oh we'd better ban sheep as well because 1 accident last year involved a stray sheep. ....


sickbag - 21/4/09 at 11:46 AM

Originally posted by blakep82
hmm, i think this might actually increase congestion.

Yes, and the slower that traffic moves means more vehicles can be crammed into a given space, so it looks like more congestion, that'll justify more congestion charges, meaning more money to the government to waste.

A1 - 21/4/09 at 12:02 PM

yep-vote them out... its rediculous - what about all the twisty country roads where 50s too fast on the hairpins?

the only good thing is you can trash a camera, but you cant trash a cop...all we have to do is kill the cameras

coozer - 21/4/09 at 12:07 PM

Its too late we are doomed, they will ban cars older than 5 years soon and take them off you.

50mph on the twistys and 20mph everywhere else.

I'd be tempted to sell the tintop and use public transport, IF WE ACTUALLY HAD ANY!

tegwin - 21/4/09 at 12:09 PM

How long will it be before either people start chopping down speed cameras en mass...

Or everyone has atleast 6

Silly.... this is NOT progress! Although im sure there are some Nimbys somewhere who think its a good ting

Mr Whippy - 21/4/09 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by tegwin

How long will it be before either people start chopping down speed cameras en mass...

I thought a large wagon with a swing out 10 inch steel pipe powered by a hydraulic piston would be more effective

Rather like whacking mail boxes with baseball bats

You could have a car infront and one behind to look for police cars, then just press the button

coozer - 21/4/09 at 12:22 PM

More of this then? Rescued attachment burnt-gatso.jpg
Rescued attachment burnt-gatso.jpg

David Jenkins - 21/4/09 at 12:29 PM

Ipswich has had 20mph limits for years - in little back roads in town where anything faster is either stupid, dangerous or impossible. People haven't complained because they are reasonable where they are.

I just worry that local councils will enforce blanket 20mph limits across a whole town, because it's easier.

blakep82 - 21/4/09 at 12:30 PM

or a nice big squirt of expanding foam in the back

Dangle_kt - 21/4/09 at 12:38 PM

50mph speed limit, and tracks closing down due to noise complaints.

Will the UK be a good place to own a sports car in a few years?

blakep82 - 21/4/09 at 12:47 PM

won't be a good place to own any car in a few years...

Findlay234 - 21/4/09 at 12:57 PM

I agree with deezee's comment about this not actually stopping the issue at the source.... Its a bit like this governments new idea of giving free morning after pills to 11 year olds..... its actually doing nothing to try and stop the problem which is not pregnant teenagers, thats just a result of teenagers doing what they shouldnt which is the problem.

With germany's high road speeds do they have as much of an issue as they do here. I call for deezee's suggestions.

idl1975 - 21/4/09 at 12:58 PM

Key point made below - the 60 limit isn't enforced over most of the road network.

Over my 20 mile A & B road commute, you very, very rarely see a police officer, they are never tasked to stop speeding, and they are too busy with filling in forms and responding to complaints from the local chavs about rude text messages and stolen drugs to bother. So what difference will it make? This is simply about making headlines and ticking boxes towards another target which will be changed, or fudged, by another government.

Even if they chose to police it, most of the traffic goes slower than 60 around here, even where there's a completely straight A road in perfect conditions. Common choices are 40mph and 50mph, for no conceivable effin reason. Though it doesn't really bother me, as I bike to work and just go round them. But if, unlike me, you commute by car, you will be stuck behind one of these people as soon as you leave your house. So you will not be exceeding the new 50 limit in any conceivable universe for more than about 30 seconds.

It seems to me this will only meaningfully affect those of us lucky enough to live in the west highlands, where you can actually drive (at whatever speed sheep, single track and rain permit) for more than that amount of time without hitting traffic.

Originally posted by mad4x4
I agree with above

1) We vote them (well Blair) in (not Brown - different arguement)

2) We don't enforce the 60mph Speed limit and on Motorways there are hardly any traffice police because they are doing paper work - how will they police the thousands of miles of "rural roads" to enforce this?

3) I agree that a lot of acidents on "rural roads" are "speed related". They are also "Bike Related" and "Young Chav" related and "Drink" related.....

So why not Ban all Bikes & under 80 (eigthy's) from Driving and make the UK a prohibition state. Oh we'd better ban sheep as well because 1 accident last year involved a stray sheep. ....


flak monkey - 21/4/09 at 01:06 PM

Sign this if you think it will make any difference!

coozer - 21/4/09 at 01:11 PM

hmm, 24,000 signatures on a petition will just make go " Eee look, there's 40milion car drivers and only 24 don't want it"

flak monkey - 21/4/09 at 01:32 PM

Originally posted by coozer
hmm, 24,000 signatures on a petition will just make go " Eee look, there's 40milion car drivers and only 24 don't want it"

Thats the point, the more that sign it the better. Pass it around. If everyone looks at it and says what you have then no one will sign it.

gingerprince - 21/4/09 at 01:57 PM

We'll be needing a man walking in front of us with a f*cking red flag at this rate!!

sickbag - 21/4/09 at 02:05 PM

I think that's the problem with this country - no one makes a stand, everyone just says "what's the point, it won't make a differance!".

Look across the water and find me a country where the people don't get off their arses (and away from the tv (Shock! Horror!)) and make a stand against those in power!

Even immigrants living in this country make more of a stand than what we do!

Now that's brain-washing on a grand scale.

jabbahutt - 21/4/09 at 03:13 PM

well if you want to protest and not have to bother leaving your seat just refuse to renew your tax disc.

If it were made known by pass along email of the intent and enough people agreed it's amazing the impact it can have.

Remember when they wanted to charge you to remove your money from a cash point? one of these blanket emails went round suggesting that on the day it was to be brought in everyone should write a cheque to a mate for 10p then bank it.

The costs to the banks to sort it out would of been huge and the next day the idea was dropped with not one cheque written.

It's the fear that it might happen which gets the attention.

just a thought

muzchap - 21/4/09 at 05:18 PM

I like Jabba's idea - I mean, as a ruler of his own planet - the d00d knows his stuff

Well ok - his hiring of staff leaves a little to be desired and he fell foul of a scantily clad woman, but the rest stacks up

I agree - we're suffering DE-VOLUTION at present - this is possibly the most ridiculous rule bound country - even the sodding yanks have a 55 speed limit...

Oh well another reason to start working on my changeable LED number plate

Ninehigh - 21/4/09 at 07:00 PM

Why not just place a blanket 20 limit everywhere? If speed kills then no-one will ever die right?

Only I'll die of boredom and I'll be involved in my 4th accident in 10 years, by not looking where I'm going because of going so slow

Vote for me next time, I'll sort this mess out..

23,947 signatures now, including mine

A1 - 22/4/09 at 12:20 AM

lets just agree not to pay road tax or stick to the limit... i dont agree with driving fast in town, but outside town on quiet roads...

i signed the petition, for all the good itll do.
not a happy bunny...

Ninehigh - 22/4/09 at 12:24 AM

Well you could always write to your MP, like I did asking what they were going to do about fuel tax... The response was pretty much "Your fault for having such a big car." I'm currently trying to steal his job with about as much luck...

Next election I'm writing my name on it and putting my X there

RK - 22/4/09 at 01:25 AM

I thought it WAS 50. Turns out I spent a week driving too slowly. Those country lanes can be right dangerous at 50, let alone 60, especially when you can't see what's around the next corner.

Ninehigh - 22/4/09 at 01:30 AM

In which case why don't we punish the tool that does 60 where it's not safe rather than punish skilled drivers that do 60 where it IS?

I've seen some "60" roads that I felt were dangerous at half that speed, it's a case of judgement that should be in the hands of the driver and when the thinking gets taken away from you it actually causes more danger (I think the case in point was a device to help wagon drivers stay in lane, caused more accidents because of a "zombie" effect)

What's annoying me the most about it all is that we're slowing being banned from thinking for ourselves

adithorp - 22/4/09 at 12:09 PM

Has anybody actually read the proposal or are we just going to listen to the bits the press want you to hear?

It includes improvements to the driving test/standards, reduction of drink/drug driving, etc. The speed limit reduction (and thats happening already in many town centres and rural roads) are just a part of it but making a big deal of it just happens to serve the newspapers agenda.


RK - 22/4/09 at 12:26 PM

Try driving over here for a while. It is stop/go constantly. There are virtually no roundabouts, just red lights. Speed changes constantly: one minute it's 80 kph, the next it's 50. In towns it's supposed to be 50, but ends up 30. The roads are designed to take a certain speed in your average American boat, and 30 % is taken off that. Roads that look like motorways are 70 or even 60 KPH, not miles. Highways/motorways twice as wide as any M motorway there, are posted at 100 kph (55 mph) or maybe 110 (60 mph). You have it good.

That said, outside the city, you can go very long distances on very boring wide roads in a short time because there is often nobody in the way.

[Edited on 22/4/09 by RK]

Ninehigh - 22/4/09 at 05:20 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Has anybody actually read the proposal or are we just going to listen to the bits the press want you to hear?

It includes improvements to the driving test/standards, reduction of drink/drug driving, etc. The speed limit reduction (and thats happening already in many town centres and rural roads) are just a part of it but making a big deal of it just happens to serve the newspapers agenda.


If there's a link I'll click it, I'm famously horrible at finding useful information...

I'm all for a more stringent or involved driving test, that's great and I'd like to know more about that.

I also don't mind lowering speed limits where it's dangerous (if they ever do that) but imho we really should have no speed limits, rather a guideline. You can drive over that guide limit without points but you cause an accident and you'll be taking it up the bum for it...

adithorp - 22/4/09 at 08:03 PM

"...You can drive over that guide limit without points but you cause an accident and you'll be taking it up the bum for it..."

Sounds fine when it's just a bent car and a demolished wall; You take the risk and the consequences. When the result is someone elses dead child, no " taking it up the bum" helps!

Of course we all like to think we're better than the average driver but I can recall at least 3 sets of pictures of members cars in ditches in the last 12 months. Luckily no one seriously hurt and 2 caused by outside circumstances (water and wildlife). Speed wasn't the cause but it demonstrates that you can't always predict whats going to happen, just react to it. The faster you go the less you can react and the worse the consequenses.

Ninehigh - 22/4/09 at 08:17 PM

Exactly, it's not the speed per se rather the mis-application of speed. I'd rather see prosecutions based on that, there's a good few roads in Warrington that are dangerous doing 40-50 at 3pm but at 3am it's a clear dual carriageway with lots of visibility and doing 50-55 is no problem.

I had an idea on this basis for variable speed limits, based on those signs that flash the limit when you're going too fast..

Really I'd like to see the desicion being on the driver, and the test geared toward making the right decisions

RK - 23/4/09 at 12:24 PM

The problem is that it's hard to "choose your spots" after a while. You just go "well, I just hope nobody is coming around the corner", and overdo it into someone or the hedge. I am sure there are plenty of spots without cameras though for the daring ones. The GPS tells you where they are anyways!

Ninehigh - 23/4/09 at 05:37 PM

Hmm, that's a good one, why not put these cameras on dangerous places like blind bends and unexpectedly sharp corners? Places where there have been accidents that might not involve a child running into the road

focijohn - 25/4/09 at 04:08 PM

I havnt read all of the posts so forgive me if im repeating someone else.... As before im all for doing 20/30 in town and hate when people dont. But in 60's etc...... But lowering the speed limits is only going to affect the people that actually stick to them. Which i can assure people around here is not many. So i will do what ever that is but jimmy the chav or the get out of my way business man is still going to speed.
But im sure that somewhere there is someone with a 400 page doc of "facts" will beg to differ.

[Edited on 25/4/09 by focijohn]

RK - 26/4/09 at 01:48 AM

I noticed in my short time there recently, that often there were cameras at dangerous spots like blind corners and steep hills with sharp bends - that led me to believe that all these changes may be to actually increase safety for you, and not just to take more money from you.

Ninehigh - 26/4/09 at 01:51 AM

Originally posted by RK
I noticed in my short time there recently, that often there were cameras at dangerous spots like blind corners and steep hills with sharp bends - that led me to believe that all these changes may be to actually increase safety for you, and not just to take more money from you.

That's brilliant, I personally haven't seen one in that kind of place as far as I remember but I do agree with having them in dangerous places and not where groups of people don't look when they cross the road