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South Brum Meet Monday September 7th
omega0684 - 4/9/09 at 10:03 AM

hi there guys,

this months South Brum Meet Will be at the The Old Washford Mill just outside of Redditch, meet at the normal time of 7:30pm


Old Washford Mill
Icknield Street Dr
B80 7BD
01527 523068

Linky to map here

this will be the watering hole for the winter months, its alot closer to birmingham so no excuses from all of you, haha, hope to see you all there

mads - 4/9/09 at 10:39 AM

I should be there this time

smart51 - 4/9/09 at 11:06 AM

Me too.

MikeR - 4/9/09 at 11:06 AM

assuming i don't break this weekend i'll be there (although i'm off for a birthday party and i've spent the week with a bad back .....)

having done lots on the car the other week i also want to keep the motivation up so the more faces the merrier.

smart51 - 4/9/09 at 11:07 AM

Originally posted by omega0684
this will be the watering hole for the winter months, its a lot closer to birmingham

Than where? Not the Coach and Horses!

omega0684 - 4/9/09 at 11:27 AM

Originally posted by smart51
Originally posted by omega0684
this will be the watering hole for the winter months, its a lot closer to birmingham

Than where? Not the Coach and Horses!

than barford and warwick, where the 2 previous meets were and most of the birmingham lads couldn't make.

dinosaurjuice - 4/9/09 at 05:19 PM

i can actually make this one. so long as diesel doesnt get any dearer

twybrow - 6/9/09 at 07:04 PM

Don't think I can do this one. I am doing my first track day in the car on Tuesday, at Coombe. I think I will need the evening to pack/tighten bolts!

Have a good meet!

prawnabie - 6/9/09 at 07:11 PM

I'll be coming to this one dunno what weather forcast is looking like but I hope I won't get soaked again!

vindicator - 7/9/09 at 11:10 AM

i'll be there....

MikeR - 7/9/09 at 11:26 AM

Anyone want to talk about drilling holes in chassis, fitting fuel lines, welding steering columns?

All things i'm puzzling over at the moment.

if i get a free w/e i should have a car with brakes tho

mads - 7/9/09 at 12:58 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Anyone want to talk about drilling holes in chassis, fitting fuel lines, welding steering columns?

All things i'm puzzling over at the moment.

Mike, I'm happy to discuss all the above with you but seeing as you are further in your build than me, I doubt I will be much use to you!

omega0684 - 7/9/09 at 01:15 PM

see you all there tonight guys, i'll be there about 7:30pm

vindicator - 7/9/09 at 03:34 PM

Come to work in the car this morning and I might as well go home and get changed and then see you there around 7.30.....should only take me 40 mins to get there....


omega0684 - 7/9/09 at 11:34 PM

thanks to everyone who turned out for the meet tonight, i didn't end up leaving with mike until 22:45! pair of gas bags we are! it was good to see a few old faces and one new one!

[Edited on 8/9/09 by omega0684]

JAG - 8/9/09 at 09:13 AM

Really good to get out and see a few other Locosts and friendly faces....

Nice enough weather for a ride out in the kitcar too. Great to get some miles in and have a pint

[Edited on 8/9/09 by JAG]

Dave Ashurst - 8/9/09 at 06:16 PM

Sorry I missed it - Again!

Fancy a drive out to Utrecht??


Dave Ashurst - 8/9/09 at 06:17 PM

Originally posted by JAG
Really good to get out and see a few other Locosts and friendly faces....

Nice enough weather for a ride out in the kitcar too. Great to get some miles in and have a pint

[Edited on 8/9/09 by JAG]

How many miles from your house to Washford Mill, Justin?

prawnabie - 8/9/09 at 06:39 PM

Rumour has it he had to do a few laps to get the engine up to temp before he got to the pub!

MikeR - 8/9/09 at 08:39 PM

I'm sure there was a problem leaving the pub. Everyones toy car seemed to have trouble getting grip out of the car park .... i can't understand it, my focus gripped no problem.

JAG - 9/9/09 at 04:38 PM

Dave; about 1 mile total. But as said I did do a lap or two past The Boot to warm up the engine

Mike; really slippy on the exit to the car park, I'm surprised you didn't notice