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South Brum Meet Monday October 5th
omega0684 - 28/9/09 at 09:43 AM

Ok, guys & girls its a week before the October meet so i've stuck up a post to remind you all!

The meet will be at the now normal location of the Old Washford Mill, just outside Redditch

The Old Washford Mill
Inknield St Drive,
B80 7BD

Map Here

Meet at 7:30 Onwards, hope to see you all there, we had a good turnout last month, lets make it another good one

p.s if you can all u2u me your e-mails i will do an e-mail reminder later in the week, this will also help members who don't visit the forum that often,

cheers Alex

MikeR - 28/9/09 at 03:23 PM

Just promise me i won't be left talking to the ex squaddie who's got a large chip on his shoulder.

omega0684 - 28/9/09 at 03:49 PM

you stopped and started talking to him, i wasn't even there, lol!

prawnabie - 29/9/09 at 06:54 PM

Yes I will be there in the locost and will not be having to make a the 9pm curry dash this month lol

YQUSTA - 1/10/09 at 10:24 PM

Should be there will let you know on the weekend

omega0684 - 5/10/09 at 08:39 AM

sent e-mail to everyone that sent me there e-mail address, i think! haha

MikeR - 5/10/09 at 11:01 AM

Slight chance i won't make it

But i'll be doing my best to get there - might not stay long though.

omega0684 - 5/10/09 at 12:26 PM

apart from tims filter, is there anything i have os peoples that they need back, can't think of anything but my memory sucks sometimes!

smart51 - 5/10/09 at 12:34 PM

Originally posted by omega0684
apart from tims filter, is there anything i have os peoples that they need back, can't think of anything but my memory sucks sometimes!

There's that tenner I lent you last time

MikeR - 5/10/09 at 12:47 PM

good god - he borrowed one off me as well.

Oh, i seem to recall I lent you my kit car. If you could return that as well

omega0684 - 5/10/09 at 05:29 PM

cheeky bar-stewards!

omega0684 - 6/10/09 at 10:50 AM

thanks to everyone who came to the meet last night, we had a good turn out of 10 or so people and some good converstaion to boot!

MikeR - 6/10/09 at 11:45 AM

Now can someone organise for the motorway to get sorted for my journey home!

For the second time i've had the motorway speed dropped to 20mph, except lorries don't bother slowing down and swerve at the last second to miss you (note i didn't suggest they're asleep at the wheel).

(as well as this being the second occasion - they did it in 3 places last night !!!!)

It scares the stuffing out of me!!!

YQUSTA - 6/10/09 at 11:53 AM

Was a good turn out and my car was working alot better than the last time i brought it to the meet.

Nice to see you all again.


vindicator - 6/10/09 at 12:01 PM

had a nice drive home mostly on dual carriage ways and observed the advised speed limits....When I got home and turned the engine off, no eletric fan was going, so it must have been a lot colder than I thought.

Nice night out, thanks lads and lassies....


mads - 6/10/09 at 12:11 PM

sounds like a good night. sorry i couldnt make it, was busy sorting out a presentation I need to give