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BTCC, Knockhill, Sunday
Jonr - 27/8/05 at 10:19 AM

anyone going? Looks like it's going to wee down though.

Jonr - 27/8/05 at 10:41 AM

Wee down indeed, this site is just so polite!!!

quattromike - 27/8/05 at 12:53 PM

I'm goin should I tak a bunnet incase it snaws?

Flippin hope it doesna , the car park will be like the biggest mud wrestling expedition in europe

zilspeed - 27/8/05 at 04:01 PM

Weather forecast has improved over the last few days.
I am at Forrestburn this weekend and today was much better than forecast. Tomorrow's forecast has changed from frequent showers to light rain in the last couple of days. Here's hoping it keeps improving overnight.

P.S. The sun is shining as I speak. Fingers crossed.

omega 24 v6 - 27/8/05 at 04:05 PM

As ever my recomendations for Knockhill are suncream, sunglasses, a t shirt and shorts.

OH and take a spare pair of wellies and an umberella flippers and a snorkel.

zilspeed - 27/8/05 at 04:26 PM

And waterproofs as well ?

Shurely ?

tadltd - 27/8/05 at 04:41 PM

Skin's waterproof, innit?!

Northy - 28/8/05 at 09:41 AM

I'm watching it on TV, loverly and warm and dry!

quattromike - 29/8/05 at 06:07 PM

Well I did go and O.M.G. did it rain you bet ya it rained then it stoped for a mo then it rained and the wind got up the it stoped for a mo then it just rained and rained and the wind blew and blew at ma teeth chattered , I was soaked right down to the skin and for some reason I stayed to watch the last race and then wished I went home after the first.
But it was still worth a look, The best bit was the car PARK on the way out was a bit slimey and the big quattro gave a bit squirm going up the hill QUALITY.
