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Peterborough Show Sunday
Si - 7/8/08 at 10:27 PM

Is anyone in or near East Yorkshire thinking of going to the show on Sunday??

mike smith1 - 8/8/08 at 10:12 AM

Were going sunday, we're in worksop, could meet you on the A1


tul214 - 9/8/08 at 11:04 AM


Still looking at the weather but should be ok.

What time are we setting off?

kipper - 9/8/08 at 12:06 PM

Well I was going to go today but look at the bloody weather GRRRRRRRR.
I dont want two soakings in one week.
Do you have a meeting point tomorrow?
A1 would be good for me as I set of from near Selby.
Regards Kipper................AKA Denis.

tul214 - 10/8/08 at 05:27 AM


Sent u2u
