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Has ChrisW passed on??
locostv8 - 13/5/07 at 07:04 AM

This is the only reason I can think of for numerious Emails & U2Us to go unanswered from a PAYING contributor who has become BLOODY tired of the nag screen.
Contributor ChrisW 26/3/07 at 01:25 AM Not Read

[Edited on 13/5/07 by locostv8]

JoelP - 13/5/07 at 07:08 AM

u2us do not get answered, he gets too many.

Have you emailed the address fozzie posted the other day?

locostv8 - 13/5/07 at 07:11 AM

Yes also U2U Fozzie including the U2U notice.

Just resent Email.

[Edited on 13/5/07 by locostv8]

RichieW - 13/5/07 at 08:38 AM

Its not worth raising your blood pressure for. You'll still get that bloody "contribute" screen .....

Very annoying when it keeps dumping you back to page one when you're trying to read through a twenty page thread.

MikeR - 13/5/07 at 09:14 AM

I suspect its cause you're not a contributor but a contributors (note the 's'.

I don't get that if i'm logged in. Email Chris.

jacko - 13/5/07 at 02:03 PM

WHy do we have to have the contributor page come up inbetween every page ? and it puts you back to page one

I have not contributed because i dont have paypal but if i had would it be worth it if the conti page is on all the time

Having said that congratulatins to Chris for a fantastic forum and all the hard work he does for us all

Fozzie - 13/5/07 at 02:11 PM

locostv8, and RichieW

U2U's sent!


TangoMan - 13/5/07 at 02:12 PM

I have tried emails and U2U but have not had a response.
The forum is great but if Chris can't deal with the contributions perhaps he should disable the annoying screen until he gets time.
I would contribute again if I thought it would help but I would just get really pissy if I still got the screen.

RichieW - 14/5/07 at 05:41 PM

Well I'm fixed now thanks to MikeR and Fozzie.

Cheers All

Fozzie - 14/5/07 at 05:56 PM

You are most welcome...but it was ChrisW who did the work!


MikeR - 14/5/07 at 06:46 PM

why, if you didn't have a gun in your hand i'd object and say it was ME who noticed the 's'.

But as you do, yep, all chris, he's the man

Fozzie - 14/5/07 at 07:08 PM

Yes Mike we know that you spotted the 's'!

What I meant was, that once the 'blip' was spotted by you..... I went into 'action' which in turn, spurred Chris into action...... result.... Richies' problem is solved!


locostv8 - 14/5/07 at 10:24 PM

Me next. Realy getting tired of the $*(&^%*&^*()*&^%&*&(*)__))_&^(*) nag screen. Sent paypal in FEB.

need4speed - 15/5/07 at 10:08 PM

Chris has now sorted mine out so the email worked.


lococost - 21/5/07 at 09:17 PM

I'm on the waiting list after locostV8, also payed in FEB, also annoyed...

locostv8 - 22/5/07 at 03:33 AM

Got the ^(&*)^%* nag screen clicking on email notification. This is now way past funny.

ChrisW - 22/5/07 at 01:16 PM

Originally posted by locostv8
Got the ^(&*)^%* nag screen clicking on email notification. This is now way past funny.

Should learn not to write arsey posts then, shouldn't you?


locostv8 - 22/5/07 at 03:03 PM

That was well after paying and sending a number of emails as well as U2U to both you and Fozzie. When LCUSA posted requesting help for costs I was the first or at least one of the first to send without asking for recognition. I don't use Paypal thru anyone elses screen since this is asking for trouble with identity theft. If you have time to respond to this post, seems the only way to get attention, then I would think you would have time to complete the task.

[Edited on 22/5/07 by locostv8]

darrenga - 26/5/07 at 09:18 PM

i agree i am sick of u2u and emailing my details of how i paid through paypal,i contributed in feb as well,if it wasnt such a great site i wouldnt have bothered,but mite have well not bothered

locostv8 - 26/5/07 at 10:28 PM

I understand being busy BUT... If he has time to make comments about posts and do projects then it would seem he would have time to take care of buisness. I'm retired and though the contribution isn't enough to be a bother I still take exception to being taken. I think this thread was a fairly polite manner to suggest get off arss and take care of buisness.

[Edited on 30/5/07 by locostv8]