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Chassis complete and wheels on
RichardK - 27/10/05 at 04:22 PM

Will make a start on the bodywork next week, what do you guys think, when should I apply for the sva?



Chassis picture link here

Avoneer - 27/10/05 at 04:43 PM

Now that really was funny.



mookaloid - 27/10/05 at 04:50 PM

Ahem, I think you might be a little while off SVA yet

Unless it's Small Vehicle Approval you are after

Fozzie - 27/10/05 at 05:44 PM


Messenjah - 27/10/05 at 06:01 PM

"unless its small vehicle approval youre looking for"

i was thinking similar lines silly vehicle approoval lol

donut - 27/10/05 at 07:26 PM

Not sure that would pass SVA and those wheels would make for an uncomfortable ride

Danozeman - 27/10/05 at 08:35 PM

Not too sure on the cornering ability either.

Is it a straightline vehicle only?

Dale - 27/10/05 at 09:30 PM

Put a string on the front and it would make a great "ahhmm Drag car"

Dam I need to get out more

serendipity123 - 27/10/05 at 09:47 PM

is it a robin hood ??

blueshift - 27/10/05 at 09:48 PM

Looks like it should have fantastic torsional rigidity. I'm taking notes.

VinceGledhill - 28/10/05 at 02:01 PM

You will need to get rid of those sharp edges.

Especially on the outside of the wheels and the whole length of the chassis.

RichardK - 28/10/05 at 06:46 PM

I don't know a bloke tries his best and all he gets is criticism.

Glad you all liked it though, it actually was my little girl who was helping me one day (well sort of helping!) she was playing at arranging some offcuts into a car shape as she wanted to build her own car, she's only 5 and I offered to tack it all together. I wonder if she's the youngest locost builder?

See Ya all


drmike54 - 1/11/05 at 01:25 PM

Awesome monoque. I bet it has a very high torsional rigidity. Have you done a FEA on the design?

Confused but excited. - 14/11/05 at 12:30 AM

Never, never, never let your kids help you!
It's not a health and safety issue.
It's just that they get interested, grow up, leave home and take most of your tools with them!