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New completion
simoto - 28/7/11 at 07:55 PM

Hi everyone,
I've been sort of lurking round this site for a few years and credit this completion largely to this site. Well and my brother in law for making good all my cock ups and being there to take on any job that required a grown up.
I've not pestered too much being proficient with the search function and willing to read. However many people on this site have been really helpful and pro active. A big thanks to them and the owner of this site for being there(as such)

The car.

A sylva striker in BRG and obligatory yellow gold nose cone. I know I know but the look is awesome with its raw diffuser and fairly rare I bet.
It suits the 13" rs alloys really nice and isn't overwhelming because of the sylva's alu sides.
The chassis is bluish grey and the suspension is inboard and english axle.
Fireblade 919 with an induction system from andy b(without whom no bec is completed!)
Exhaust is custom stainless, brakes by wilwood and ford.
Gear change is a paddle job supplied originally by mk and is awesome with just a push pull cable.
Mnr reverse Thingy(cheers guys!) d and f prop. Composite shell seats, sylva dash with flush illuminated switches etc.

I never did master the photo posting thing hence the description but I'm 44 ferchuffssake.

The heroes of the piece were, in no particular order. My bro in law kieth, Andy Bates, the site owner and contributors, Steve from Aries
who is a true gentleman and selfless to a fault. Thanks all.

Anyone staring at a half finished kit right now take heart cos if mine got finished, yours certainly will!

Only really intend track day use and a few sprints maybe, but a shake down foray has revealed a good mannered
and much more manageable machine than I expected from the hype. Fast it is though and I understand posters
struggling for ways to describe the acceleration. I submit catapult for my attempt!

Thats it, thanks again all concerned!


[Edited on 28/7/11 by simoto]

stevec - 28/7/11 at 08:23 PM

Si, welldone for finishing the car but without photos it never happened.
I am 55 and can do the photos and the linkys etc. so no excuse for you.

All the best.

simoto - 28/7/11 at 08:31 PM

I know, your right. Ill attempt to man up and learn. If I manage I'll attach later. It has happened though I promise.
Angelic smile.
Off to learn new skill then.

Kwik - 28/7/11 at 08:50 PM

if you have troubles email the pics to me and i can host and put them up if you like.

or you can use , click on "browse" and then find the file you want to upload.

then either copy and paste the address bar up top or if you want to be fancy click the "attach photo" button when making a post (which looks like an arrow pointing right with a picture next to it) and paste the address into that.

by the way love BRG and love the striker also

mistergrumpy - 28/7/11 at 09:49 PM

Well done mate. I wondered where you'd disappeared to. I have to say that you were a massive help to me in explaining carbs and I still refer to it now, so thanks for that. Oh and pictures would be great.

simoto - 30/7/11 at 11:48 PM

Thanks guys that's real nice of you both. I'll take some nicer pics and send them in the next couple of days.. Thanks very much for offering.
Can't wait to see them on here.
On the subject of carbs, were going to day tuner at Harrogate for a set up next week. He does work for Andy B I believe so more than good enough for me I reckon.
Thanks again

simoto - 4/8/11 at 11:18 PM

Please don't expect a show car, she's intended for track days and sprints. We've attempted to keep iva possible for the future.
Hope you all enjoy the pics and thanks for all the help once again to the locost community without whom.....etc

Pics being posted by kwik in due course so thanks especially to him
Just wanted to get my excuses in first.

[Edited on 4/8/11 by simoto]

Kwik - 7/8/11 at 09:12 PM

sorry for the delay, missed your first email, sorry !!

but here you go...

and it looks very nice...

RichardK - 7/8/11 at 09:46 PM

Very nice car you have there mate, when you going to daytuner, may pop in if I'm about that way.



mistergrumpy - 7/8/11 at 10:06 PM

Nice tidy job there Si. Well done mate.

simoto - 14/8/11 at 11:52 PM

Thanks guys, I'm afraid daytuner mission is today, ie
Let you know how it goes, thanks again.