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BEC for 6k?
2b_pablo - 27/2/08 at 12:05 PM

What kind of BEC could I expect to get for 6k?

mostly for track use but road legal too. faster the better!


Aico - 27/2/08 at 12:35 PM

With patience you should get multiple brands with usually a Fireblade engine without a reverse.

Hellfire - 27/2/08 at 12:45 PM

You'd need to good at sourcing bargains and have a reasonable specification in mind but you could quite easily build an MK with a good bike engine for that sort of money and probably a few other manufacturers vehicles as well. It really depends on how quickly you want to build it. If you have plenty of time available and aren't in any particular rush, you could source some amazing bargains and get a very nice car built for £6K. You just need to buy wisely.


2b_pablo - 27/2/08 at 12:48 PM

building isnt an option unfortunately, baby in the house means very little time for tinkering

seen a couple of Sylva Strikers with blade engines for that kind of money are they worth a look? I quite like the slightly quirky look

Aico - 27/2/08 at 12:56 PM

There is one on Pistonheads right now for 6.5 and I'm sure with some nice negotiations you can get it down to 6k.

2b_pablo - 27/2/08 at 12:59 PM

seen that one mate, would definately be a contender.

dont know much about sylvas tho, maybe they are too lardy for a blade engine no idea.

CRAIGR - 27/2/08 at 01:19 PM

The Sylva Striker is a blinding kit and initially built for racing not just built to satify the craving of people wanting a sevenesque looking car.
Handle great .

hobbsy - 27/2/08 at 01:20 PM

Sylva Strikers / Fury's / Stylus / Phoenix's (and later Fisher / STM / whoever owns Stylus now etc versions) are all light cars.

Although clearly it depends how they are built, even so a BEC of any of these should be sub 500Kg.

Mine with an R1 is something like 450Kg (maybe 430).

Robin Hoods and some Tigers are your heavier kit cars AFAIK.

2b_pablo - 27/2/08 at 01:23 PM

cool the sylva is worth a look then! Great because I think they are brilliant looking

PAUL FISHER - 27/2/08 at 01:37 PM

Great cars the strikers if you can get in one,they are compact,or it could be me who's too fat,but I am 15 ish stone,and 6ft 3",I tried to get in one on a track day,lets just say,they are much too small for me,so try before you buy,thats one of reasons I went for the Indy,I can spread out a bit

worX - 27/2/08 at 02:30 PM

Quite the opposite!
The striker is a tiny bit smaller than a seven, and a bit lighter too. Not sure about their full bodied cars like the fury's etc being less than 450 with a screen, wipers motor etc on top of a full body, but the striker would be around that figure and less!

It would make a brilliant track car, and if you like the loks and can fit in one, it would be a great choice. All you need to do then is make sure it was built right and off you go!

Originally posted by 2b_pablo
dont know much about sylvas tho, maybe they are too lardy for a blade engine no idea.

2b_pablo - 27/2/08 at 02:31 PM

this is the one on PH. looks well specced/built

Coose - 27/2/08 at 02:42 PM

That one looks nice!

If you'd have said a couple of months ago you could've had my R1 Striker (similar spec but not as clean as the Blade Striker in the ad.) for a chunk less than £6k! It's now gone to a man in Italy.....

If I was to get another 7 it would definitely be a Sylva derivative! Mine really was great, but ever-increasing debt meant that it had to go....

Shandylegs - 27/2/08 at 02:44 PM

[Edited on 27/2/08 by Shandylegs]

02GF74 - 27/2/08 at 03:01 PM

Originally posted by hobbsy
whoever owns Stylus now etc versions)


dhutch - 27/2/08 at 03:52 PM

Reading this thread with interest. Although im not sure how well i would fit in a striker. Im only about 3stone6. But 6ft2.


TimC - 27/2/08 at 04:27 PM

The Striker is a fab car! Just avoild the version with the outboard shocks. It's not a bad car by any means, it's just not as good as the more common version with inboard shocks.

The car on pistonheads looks absolutely first class for the money!

Coose - 27/2/08 at 05:52 PM

Originally posted by dhutch
Reading this thread with interest. Although im not sure how well i would fit in a striker. Im only about 3stone6. But 6ft2.


Yeah, you really need to try before you buy! Mine had Kirkey seats as they were the only ones that I could get to fit. I'm 5' 10" and 14 1/2 stone (+/- a bit) and it was comfortably snug. But, there's no reason why you couldn't move the pedal box, though it would mean chopping it out and welding it back in.

Again, a Sylva, Raw, Fisher or ST Phoenix would be my first choice again!

twybrow - 27/2/08 at 07:57 PM

I am 6' 6" and I found the striker to have loads of room inside. It really is a Tardis. I found the Avon a good fit (with the floor mounted pedal box). Now I just need to make my STM fit me!