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VIENTOV8 - 20/9/13 at 10:04 AM

hi guys i have another question, does anyone know what the front lower inner wishbone bushes came off on the luego viento?

Chrisjohns - 1/11/13 at 07:03 PM

I have the build manual if it helps. I have had a quick look and see no mention of the size of the bushes but they were relatively easy to source from the local motor factors if I recall.


VIENTOV8 - 2/11/13 at 09:48 AM

thanks chris, the front inner wishbone bush was sqeaky when going over bumps in the road, but it seems to have stopped now, so i will see how it goes.

Chrisjohns - 2/11/13 at 05:52 PM

Some heat resistant grease on the bolt will help !

I forgot....

VIENTOV8 - 4/11/13 at 12:05 PM

hi chris thanks i will try that.

rusty nuts - 4/11/13 at 08:03 PM

Originally posted by VIENTOV8
thanks chris, the front inner wishbone bush was sqeaky when going over bumps in the road, but it seems to have stopped now, so i will see how it goes.

The old crush tube problem perhaps

wilkingj - 5/11/13 at 10:53 AM

Originally posted by rusty nuts
Originally posted by VIENTOV8
thanks chris, the front inner wishbone bush was sqeaky when going over bumps in the road, but it seems to have stopped now, so i will see how it goes.

The old crush tube problem perhaps

Definately... Did you size the bushes to fit, and I mean lengthways.
Luego bushes dont seem to take into account the thickness of the powdercoating, thus are tight.
The crush tube is a tad short, and is the real problem.
I had to shave about 40thou off the outer ends of each bush, so they dont bind and squeak.
Easy to do with a bit of emery paper on a flat surface. Just keep them square to the surface.

Best to lubricate them with silicone rubber grease. Small tube available for about £3 from Maplins.
However, it does not show up on Maplins website, but they usually have it in store.

Test them in a vice. I did it on the car and it took hours!
The centre steel tube needs to be firmly gripped in the vice, and the arm should move smoothly up and down, with little or no end float.
This is an age old Luego problem.

DO NOT slacken the bolts to overcome this problem. The Bolts should be done up TIGHT, despite the manual stating they should be backed off.
The Centre steel crush tube should be held firmly between the metal ears on the chassis.
The arm should rotate freely. This usually means shaving the ends of the bushes.
If you slacken the bolts, this will wear the holes on the chassis into an oval. The it will fail an MoT, and require the chassis mounts to be replaced.
These are positioned on a chassis jig at Luego. So its not a job you want to do if you can help it.

The other fix is to get some new crush tubes made up, as the Luego ones are a tad short, causing this problem.
Easy to make new ones if you have a lathe.
Either way its not difficult to sort... Just a bit of time and elbow grease.

If you search, its been well covered before on here.

[Edited on 5/11/2013 by wilkingj]

Irony - 5/11/13 at 12:05 PM

I used a large disc sander in a drill clamped in a vice with a fine sandpaper on it. I then sanded a little bit off the bushes to allow the crush tubes to be just gripped by the mounts. Tested each one in the vice afterwards. Wasn't to painful. Taking the arms off the chassis and replacing them was the time consuming part.

Rightly or wrongly I packed in as much moly grease as possible as I noticed a small film of corrosion on the crush tubes as they had been sitting in the tubes ungreased by the previous owner. If I were to remake them I would get them made up by a machine shop in stainless. However I don't know if stainless would take the stain that these parts may be under.

VIENTOV8 - 5/11/13 at 12:31 PM

thanks for the help guys, thats very helpful.