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Thanks to All.
jollygreengiant - 5/5/08 at 01:55 PM

I would like to say a really big thank you to all you Luego Owners (and Builders) that made the effort and manged to attend Stoneleigh this year, to those that did not manage to get to the show, then I am truly sorry that you did not manage to get there.

It was good to put a few more names to faces (even if I don't manage to remember them). A superb effort there by Geoff who managed to repair his car, get back from a Scottish trip AND then get to the show, especially in light of how he got soaked going to Newark.

So once again thank you all for your support and the turn out we had. I just sorry that I had to leave SOOOOO early, but as I said I did have to get home and get to bed so that I could go to work at 1 on Tuesday morning. Also please accept my apologies as I failed miserably to take ANY photos at all, However the supreme photo moment (of which none were taken) must have been when we all decided to move the Gazebo from the display area to the camp site.

Lets all look forward now to Newark and lets have another really good turn out of cars.

Thank You lads (and lass's)


NeilP - 5/5/08 at 02:40 PM

Pleasure as ever that man - and thanks from all of us for doing the arranging as usual - If you can just sort out fine weather for Newark then that would be tops - I'm off to find out my tent...

rusty nuts - 5/5/08 at 06:11 PM

Think it's us that should be thanking you and the mrs for all your hard work. Looking forward to Newark , just hope the ground is a bit flatter under the tent!

Paul (Notts) - 5/5/08 at 06:19 PM

Had a great time on Sat and Sun. Very nervous about the car as it was its first real trip out. Good journey home and then went out and really pushed the car for the first time

now needs a good check over and a few little problems ironed out and it will be finished.


ps thanks for all the cups of tea. Rescued attachment stoneleigh.jpg
Rescued attachment stoneleigh.jpg

Steve Lovelock - 6/5/08 at 12:41 PM

Greatly enjoyed myself too, thanks to all for making me feel welcome and entertaining me with late night stories. I might watch the volume of gin next time though, phew my head was muggy on Monday and my wallet empty!

Dave J - 6/5/08 at 03:24 PM

Good to see everyone on Sunday, it was,apart from the odd shower a really good day.

Thanks Clive for sorting our stand, there was quite a decent showing on Sunday as can be seen from Pauls photo.

Hope to see everyone at Newark

Cheers for now.

Dave, Elaine, Mark and Andrew