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Luego At Newark 2008
jollygreengiant - 22/6/08 at 12:21 PM

Well what a week-end. Piddle-ing down on and off on Saturday. A tad more than a little bit breezy on Sunday.
Anyway, a very big thanks to ALL you Lads and Lass's that made the effort and what a turn out. I'm just sorry that, at the moment my phone is on charge so I can't get any photo's up until later. But I'm sure that some of you will be along later with some EXCELLENT photos, especially of me getting my little pink one out.

So once again thank you ALL for an excellent turn out. I'm sorry that I had to leave before all of you got there. I did wave at one of you as I left and you were just going in. Can someone please let me know the final count of cars attending.

wilkingj - 22/6/08 at 02:43 PM

Back home now, and a gusty drive home.

Good to see you all despite the inclement weather on Sat.

Nice ot see some new owners and more finished cars, and even a surprise visitor who did even know about
So hopefully they will find their way here, and help swell the numbers at events.

All in all a good weekend, considering the weather.

NeilP - 22/6/08 at 02:45 PM

I made in 11 in total - 4 more arrived after I took this - 12 if you include the Vipernator Stealth bomber


A great weekend - For those that couldn't make Saturday you missed locost gazebo building in the rain...


CLIVE (EDIT: Not Geoff - Sorry slightly knackered after driving home in the wind! ) whipping out his little pink one (hereafter to be known as the time when JollyPinkGiant played with Barbie's barbi)...


The resultant need for coffee and bacon the following morning...


And the master of ceremonies being awarded with his highly practical gift for the soon to be finished JGGwagon (do we spot a theme?)...


Thanks all - Nice to catch up with folk - See you at Bruntingthorpe / Peterborough

[Edited on 23/6/2008 by NeilP]

Paul (Notts) - 22/6/08 at 03:34 PM

A really good weekend, BBQ was excellent. Rescued attachment new.jpg
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big_wasa - 22/6/08 at 03:48 PM

I see the donor is still ploding on Clive

[Edited on 25/6/08 by big_wasa]

Paul (Notts) - 22/6/08 at 05:33 PM

Saturday am.

[Edited on 22/6/08 by Paul (Notts)] Rescued attachment new4.jpg
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kelloggs - 22/6/08 at 06:33 PM

Had a great time, got a few new ideas for improving my car, glad I came back on sunday and met a few new faces! really good turnout, thanks to clive for organising it. Think the pink theme really suits him,

Paradoxia0 - 22/6/08 at 09:00 PM

I (finally) made it to a show this year!! Just as everyone was leaving/had left

Had a quick wander around and a chat with a few people on the Luego stand. Apologies to everyone that I missed that I was hoping to finally meet up with.

Thanks to all, and I think I heard that I was the 13th Viento that turned up? I am sure I will be corrected.

I will be at Peterborough show in good time


darrens - 23/6/08 at 06:46 AM

Nice to see a good turn out of cars at the show, aplogies for not being able to stop long and chat, pants weather on the sat scuppered my plans slightly so I had to get back to sort work out.

Journey back was windy to say the least.

Will be at Peterborough.


Dave J - 23/6/08 at 10:04 AM

Including the viper beast and people coming and going on Sunday (sorry we missed JGG and Geoff) I reckon there were 14 cars in all, in fact we had to pinch some of the DAX area (the woozies didn't turn up) to fit everyone on.
Anyway great to see you all again. We just about survived the savage cross winds on the way home....almost got my head blown off

Becky had a great idea (hope I got your name right ) when we have a huge turnout like on Sunday, we should stand by our cars for a photo session complete with names, or photoshop them in later or something,and post the picture on here. Iam utterly crap at remembering names let alone who's car belongs to who.........just a thought.

Enjoyed the photos, looks like you made the best of the grotty weather.

Anyways, we enjoyed your company folks. Here's to the next meet.


Dave and Elaine

perci - 23/6/08 at 11:04 AM

just quick posting to say both me & dad (pete) had really enjoyable weekend despite the "changeable" weather! just thought i would spend some time trying to suss out how to get pictures on here?!?... dont hold your breath tho!

& as Dave mentioned any thoughts/ideas about putting names & tags to faces & cars... maybe Tshirts printed with name & pic of car? I dont know of anywhere local, but im sure theres places about?

14 was the last count including big johns beast!

jollygreengiant - 23/6/08 at 11:54 AM


The name is Clive, not to be confused with the 'other' Clive (Snuggs).
And NOT to be confused with Geoff. Although the similar rugged handsome bearded good looks must be a little confusing.

Yes the doner is still running total expenditure so far £15 (exhaust), 2 cable ties for the headlamps (for MOT).
Cambelt & water pump.

perci - 23/6/08 at 12:18 PM

me thinks theres not many people who wouldnt know youre face-name-car, although 1st time with viento some might get confused as to weather its yours due to fuel tank constructed of something other than mdf?!!


NeilP - 23/6/08 at 08:14 PM

Ahem, An abject lesson in why one should not post when k'nackered!

Regards, Nigel

jollygreengiant - 23/6/08 at 10:27 PM

big_wasa - 25/6/08 at 05:15 PM

And why I shouldnt copy the name from the post above

jollygreengiant - 2/7/08 at 09:17 PM

Some more Saturday pictures

Paul's Purler
Paul's Purler
Paul's Purler

Steve's Stormer
Steve's Stormer
Steve's Stormer

Saturday line up
Newark 2008 Saturday line up
Newark 2008 Saturday line up

Gazebo building 101
Gazebo building 101
Gazebo building 101

rusty nuts - 3/7/08 at 06:37 PM

Now I'm getting worried, nearly all of the photos with me in it show my back. Is there something your not telling me? Look forward to Peterborough , hopefully better weather and a better turn out.