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rear axle
ernie - 30/4/05 at 05:21 PM

After sustaining damage at Brands (my fault sorry Ed( I need to change damaged bearing on half shaft, before I try, is this something one can do or take to specialist? ansewrs soon please as I need to get it all back before Donnington, thanks

britishtrident - 30/4/05 at 08:09 PM

Not difficult -- make sure you get bearing retainer with new bearing.

Tools needed
(1) Vice + block of wood + drifts + large water pump pliers
(2) 1kg Hammer + sharp cold chisel
(3) angle grinder
(4) Emmery band
(5) 2.5 to 3 foot Length of suitable thickwall steel tube (scaffolding tube works well) to fit over halfshaft for driving bearing and retainer home.
(6) Steel bucket or pot or tray filled to a depth of about 2" with clean oil (engine or gear oil).
(7) Large propane gas torch or camping stove

(1) Break up and remove old bearing and retainer using vice to crush outer race then, angle grinder and chisel.
(2) Clean and polish shaft with emmery
(3) If possible leave shaft in a freezer overnight and remove just before stage (5)
(4) Heat the bearing by immersing in oil bucket and heating with propane torch until oil is quite hot but not yet smoking then allow a few minutes at this temperature for heat to soak into bearing.
(5) Using large pliers place bearing over shaft (correct way round !!!!) and ram fully home using long tube.
(6) Using the flame heat retaining ring to almost dull red heat then fit same way as bearing.

NB A few years back some race and rally car builders tack welded the retainer ring to shaft on Ford axle Don't do this !!! ! it will eventually result in the shaft suffering fatigue failure at the weld.

[Edited on 1/5/05 by britishtrident]

[Edited on 1/5/05 by britishtrident]

ernie - 1/5/05 at 05:01 PM

Thanks BT, I`ve got the shaft out and the bearing was shattered and rim is slightly bent so is now u/s so a new shart it is but their like gold dust to find especily in a hurry on bank holiday, I`ll put up a wanted ad

Bananaman - 3/5/05 at 12:24 PM

is this on an escort axle?