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Reg plates
Rogthebandit - 5/8/13 at 07:20 PM

How do

Are square front reg plates legal for a kit car? Been looking on line but getting mixed messages. Has anyone else got one on?


Davey D - 5/8/13 at 07:30 PM

As long as it is the correct size/shape plate with the correct size font and correct spacing, then yes it is legal

chrism - 5/8/13 at 08:20 PM

Im sure for the rear plate the rule used to be it has to be the standard size one except for where it will not fit due to the car design, i.e. an imported car which has been designed with a different shape plate.

I'm not sure if this rule stands for the front one, but with the amount of cars you see with the square japanese style one I think you would be alright as long as the font and sizing rules are followed.

Rogthebandit - 5/8/13 at 08:30 PM

Hmm making me think now, I have put a square plate on the back. A normal one will fit. Wondering now if this one is legal also?

loggyboy - 5/8/13 at 08:36 PM

2 lines are perfectly legal.

james h - 5/8/13 at 09:04 PM

Once I've finished rebuilding the MK, I really don't want to put a front 'plate on. This is a bit naughty I know, but I was wondering if anyone on here driving their kit car had ever been stopped for this?

I've perhaps given myself false confidence that it would be unlikely to get me into trouble, due to a drive pre-SVA to the next village and back where a policeman with a radar gun gave me a thumbs up (all I had was 'SVA' in masking tape on the back).

gavin174 - 5/8/13 at 09:18 PM

Originally posted by james h
Once I've finished rebuilding the MK, I really don't want to put a front 'plate on. This is a bit naughty I know, but I was wondering if anyone on here driving their kit car had ever been stopped for this?

carry a "broken" front plate with you, if you get stopped you pulled up too close to a high curb.

and on your way to get a new one

loggyboy - 5/8/13 at 09:18 PM

Asking for trouble, attracts negative attention straight away. Traffic Coppers can be very easy to annoy, and you always want them happy.