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shaywez - 31/1/05 at 08:31 PM

Well i finally got around to sending off my SVA application today, then i rang the test centre in Exeter and the person i spoke with was really helpfull. Test should be ok for Feb 28th so i suppose i should pull my finger out now and sort the finishing touches eh!! Any advice anybody on the nitty gritty, much appreciated

flak monkey - 31/1/05 at 08:33 PM

Take that bit of string off holding yer exhaust on in your avatar

Peteff - 31/1/05 at 08:50 PM

and fit a bonnet. Good luck. Put us a couple of pictures of the finished article in your archive.

[Edited on 31/1/05 by Peteff]

JoelP - 31/1/05 at 09:03 PM

the obvious fails are sharp edges. youy need to really go over the top on these - and it needs to look perminant, not lagging and tie-wraps.

then visability in the mirrors,viewing angles on lights etc.

super important, is get the name of the tester and make sure that he does you retest (theres no shame in failing, most do) cos if its a different tester they might fail you on something else! which would be VERY annoying.

David Jenkins - 31/1/05 at 09:45 PM

It's also REALLY worth taking some time to make the car look good - nice, clean and shiny. Tart it up nicely, as the tester's first impressions count a lot.
Show him a smart car and he won't give it half as much attention as a scruffy, shabby piece of work - or he'll be a bit more forgiving, anyway.

Don't worry - it's not as bad as you think it's going to be!

Good luck,

P.S. I put a brief SVA page on my website - follow the link below and look through the menus.

Bananaman - 1/2/05 at 08:50 AM

From my experience at Exeter last year the 2 testers are really good. They will give you time at the end of the test to fix any minor issues. They do not get upset either when you question their decisions. They will go out of their way to help. Mine had a leaky main seal and they only ran the engine the bear minimum. Take plenty of edging material. Also make sure that your wiring terminals are the insulated type.

Good luck.


barrie sharp - 1/2/05 at 03:43 PM

I Will second what banaman says we had our test at the same time .they are very helpful before the test if you ring them with a problem.
my advice is dont be late my tester told me that was his pet hate when they turn up just in time and then spend 20 mins unloading from trailers etc..
They do like all wires well supported and cable tied up and not rubbing on other things so take care!
Take all your documents to regester your car because the dvla place is just around the corner, how easy is that!!
Good luck with it

Lightning - 1/2/05 at 04:39 PM

Byron is the guy at Exeter and he is very enthusiastic about kits. He will pass it if he can. If you have any problems phone him up and he will put you right, He likes to see that people have made the effort. If it fails (like mine did) he will undoubtedly tell you exactly what you need do.

Mine failed on not having a collapsible boss. Indicators too far in, and emmisions.

His favorate fails are no symbol on the Brake indicator light on the dash ie: (O)
and not supporting the fuel filter.

Keep your rear mirrors high to see over the rear wheel arches.

I actually enjoyed the day don't worry!

shaywez - 1/2/05 at 08:13 PM

Thanks for all the advice so far gents as it is all good stuff and much appreciated, cheers

Snuggs - 1/2/05 at 08:46 PM


If you are using Ford calipers and banjo type connectors then you must ensure that the surface arund the hole is machined flat. Also you may need to prove to the tester that the hole is not tapered. A good photo should be OK


shaywez - 2/2/05 at 07:19 AM

I dont require a cat as the engine was manufactured before Aug 1995