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Another SVA fail at shrewsbury
tom_loughlin - 12/11/05 at 03:58 PM

had my 1st sva yesterday, set myself with a target of 20 failure note things, got 21, so pretty chuffed.
light beam patern is a bit odd, has a pattern on main beam, but no pattern at all on dip, and the dip beam is not bright enough.

o/s/r indicator wire had touched wheel, so failed on insecure wiring (pretty impressed that it was the only insecure wiring on the vehicle), as a result, indicator flashed too quickly, and was too bright.

speedo magnets came off (yet again) so no speedo, and some of the retaining tape (used as well as glue was flapping in the tunnel.

self centering. adjusted the settings previous night and didnt have time to re-do it all.

rear tyres have no load ratings (potenza s-02's) i found a rating, but it wasnt in the right format for him (mark)

seal belt clips needed covering

even though it failed, had a really good day and loved the 1 1/2 hour drive in it there (and 6hours back! )

got a bit wet on the way back, but was all good fun and games


Confused but excited. - 12/11/05 at 06:12 PM

Naughty boy!

DavidM - 12/11/05 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Naughty boy!

WHY? Perfectly legal.


jos - 12/11/05 at 07:17 PM

Yeah, perfectly legal as long as you have insurance based on your chassis number

[Edited on 12/11/05 by jos]

tom_loughlin - 12/11/05 at 10:41 PM

all good and legal, as dave and jos say, my insurance is based on chassis number.
your allowed to take it to mot's as well, the terms and conditions are on the back of the failure sheet (provided your insured)

does anyone know if you can drive it to get routine maintenance done, or does it have to be booked in specifically for an MOT, or could i drive it to my mates to check tyre pressures etc...


donut - 14/11/05 at 07:30 AM

I'm pretty sure you can only drive it to and from SVA and MOT.

DarrenW - 14/11/05 at 09:55 AM

i think the laws also state that you can book it into a compatent garage for essantial preparation work for SVA or MOT. AFAIK i can drive mine 110 miles (each way!) to Mac#1 to have it checked over and set up for SVA as long as it is booked in and insured. i dont think im brave enough for that although will be driving 40 miles each way to Gosforth.

andytmc - 14/11/05 at 12:38 PM

Hi Tom

Was that you on the A5 heading towards Oswestry 2 - 2.30 ish on Friday?

Not the best of weather for a drive!

Good luck with the re-test, it all sounds sortable.


tom_loughlin - 14/11/05 at 07:38 PM

it probably was me (if the car was blue, black cycle wings) and the driver looked soaked!
where abouts were you, were you going the same way as me, or the opposite direction?

cant wait for my next blast out now - such a good feeling!


andytmc - 15/11/05 at 05:55 PM

I was coming towards Shrewsbury in the opposite direction to you. Location wise, it was at the Shotatton cross roads, where the speed limit goes down to 40 by the indian restaurant place.

Hope its better weather for the re-test
