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how many seats??
rayward - 16/8/06 at 12:59 PM

do you have to have 2 seats to pass SVA??.

most race/track day cars only have 1,would this be OK??.


Tiger Super Six - 16/8/06 at 01:24 PM

You can take the test with only one seat, but this will mean that the car will be registered as a single seater and you will never be able to take passengers.

This is my understanding.


Alan_Thomas - 16/8/06 at 01:36 PM

Only had one seat and one lot of harnesses for my SVA. There were harness mountings for the 2nd seat but I didn't fit the seat because the other harness failed to to arrive in time
Registration document say 2 seats because I believe that was the answer I gave to the question on the reg form.
- Alan