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SVA Booking,shall I?
liam.mccaffrey - 17/1/07 at 08:04 AM

im thinking of booking the sva for later in the year in order to force me to finish the car before i get married. I work so much better when I have external motivation so im thinking it would be a good idea.

might make a good weblog/build diary

I await the naysayers

NS Dev - 17/1/07 at 08:34 AM

It'll certainly force the pace along nicely.

I'd be too chicken but prob not a bad idea!!

liam.mccaffrey - 17/1/07 at 08:41 AM

when my father and i set ourselves the target of refurbing a house before christmas, (we started in march), we worked until after 10 every night. i couldnt do that if i didn't have a deadline so i think i will book the sva and push the pace a bit.

will be fun

RazMan - 17/1/07 at 08:43 AM

Its good to have a focus - it certainly worked for me and when I got my appointment I finished it in no time

02GF74 - 17/1/07 at 08:44 AM

yes, definitely book it. Even if you fail, you will have an exact list of what need redoing.

BenB - 17/1/07 at 09:43 AM

I'd book it. It will help spur the build process along. Especially in dark winter evenings it's too easy to find an excuse not to go to the garage!!! Not sure what the regs are re postponing- I'd imagine its possible if you give them warning.....

David Jenkins - 17/1/07 at 09:56 AM

Yes - reasonable notice is all they require, just a day or so. I do believe that they like you to re-book another date when you postpone, but I'm sure that varies from place to place.


Alan_Thomas - 17/1/07 at 12:34 PM

Go for it!

Noel Coward famously said
"Nothing concentrates the mind more than knowing one will be hung in the morning"

I booked my SVA to ensure I finished the car. The funny thing is that no matter how much time you give yourself you will always be up all night before the SVA fixing last minute things!