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projecting wheels
Ian D - 26/3/07 at 06:16 PM


Can somebody expalin to me how this is measured. On my Avon the wheel is inside at some points but goes external at a lower horizontal point. A picture with line across would really help as I cant find anything relevant in my SVA manual.

Dont want to fail the SVA through ignorance.


Alan_Thomas - 26/3/07 at 06:25 PM

This was a fail point on my 1st test (passed 2nd time!)

The examiner explained that if a vertical line is projected down from the outside top edge of the guard then the wheel must not stand proud of the line. Mine was just outside by about 5mm. Had to remove the guards and cut out spaces of 19mm Mdf and it passed. These have since 'fallen off'

It is permissible for the tyre wall to project but not the wheel.

- Alan

David Jenkins - 26/3/07 at 06:33 PM

Perhaps it would help if I described how my tester did it...

With the car sitting straight & level, he put a big square (like a builder's framing square) vertically next to the wheel. He then measured from the edge of the square to the top and bottom of the wheel, and to the outside edge of the mudguard. The edge of the mudguard had to be closer to the square than any part of the rim of the wheel.


Chippy - 26/3/07 at 09:58 PM

Couldn't you, just for SVA, borrow a set of standard Sierra wheels, ( which would accidentally fall of after,) HTH Ray.

02GF74 - 27/3/07 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Chippy
Couldn't you, just for SVA, borrow a set of standard Sierra wheels, ( which would accidentally fall of after

oooooooh, not that I would ever do such a thing

Ian D - 27/3/07 at 08:40 PM


Getting out my spirit level.


FEZ1025 - 29/3/07 at 07:50 AM

Just remember the rules apply to the rim & not the tyre, which may make a difference.
