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steering universal joints
dyntan - 6/3/08 at 10:40 PM

hi guys,
at the steering fitting stage, got the mk2 rack and the sierra column fitted but i'm stuck at linking the two together. can anyone point me in the direction of where to source the two universal joints as per book or an alternative.
many thanks paul

johhny5 - 6/3/08 at 10:46 PM

Hi, have you looked at the rally spares site or catalogue.
I think they have them and the down link

Ricks-9r - 6/3/08 at 11:34 PM

have you tried here or

caber - 6/3/08 at 11:47 PM

Mine came from a scrap Range Rover! These have 3 joints between steering wheel nd box, it is quite easy to get the shaft out and weld it to the sierra bits!


Fred W B - 7/3/08 at 08:04 AM

Industrial bearing suppliers will have suitable joints in a range of sizes at a fraction of the "race parts" suppliers prices


Fred W B

dyntan - 7/3/08 at 08:52 AM

cheers guys, i'll try all those options
many thanks paul

Colnago_Man - 7/3/08 at 07:48 PM

You have u2u...