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setting corner weights
jabbahutt - 18/8/08 at 03:13 PM

Afternoon all

I'm hoping to sort out the corner weights over the bank holiday and have been trying to find out as much info as possible on threads.

From what I can gather you need three pieces of wood and some scales, the wood being the same depth as the scales.

You put three wheels on the wood and the fourth on the scales and start adjusting the spring tension but when the scales are first put under the first wheel what figurre are you looking for?

Or do you firsat go round all four wheels taki9ng measurements and then go round a second time adjusting? I understand you need to be sat in the car so it's a two man job?

What sort of weight should your scales need to go up to?

Just need a bit more clarification on the beginning of the process as once I'm started I think I get the idea of adjusting the wheel diagonally opposite the one with the scale on.

Any assistance much appreciated as I don't want to spend all weekend mucking around without understanding exactly what i should be doing?


graememk - 18/8/08 at 04:07 PM

why not 4 set of scales ?

charlierevell - 18/8/08 at 04:56 PM

4 Scales and get them to read even left to right.... if you want 50/50 then you'll want them even that way too but i gather 50/50 isnt always the best split so thats down to you.
You can always put your weight in with potatoes, water can or something like that, depends how heavy you are. Just use it as ballast.

id check your ride height before and after too...

Scales will need to cover car weight plus your weight.... again not quite 50 50 so might want to make sure they can take 35% on each scales rather than 25%.

I think thats a rough idea of it all!

v8kid - 18/8/08 at 08:01 PM

There are more theories on this than I've had hot dinners!
Important thing to remember is you can't alter the total side to side or front to back weight didtribution by adjusting the suspension. Only way to do that is to move stuff around in the car.
You can alter the cross weight by adjusting the front suspension - that is the right front and left rear can be adjusted to take more or less of the total load.
So where does that get you?
By fiddling about you can get the cross weights to match, or you can get the front wheels to ballance, or you can get the rear wheels to ballance or some other permutation that is the flavour of the month.
Me? I get the temperatures of the tyres to be the same after a stonking run which by coincedence is about the same as matching the diagonals. Theory is that if the tyres are the same temp they are all working as hard as each other.
Loads of wee excell spreadsheets available to help if you google it.

jabbahutt - 19/8/08 at 10:45 AM

Many help for all the help things are slowly starting to make sense.

Can anyone point me in the direction of one of these spreadsheets, preferably the simpler the better without loads of jargon which will just confuse me

Many thanks

jabbahutt - 19/8/08 at 03:04 PM

okay found the spreadsheet. I'd better start sweet talking swmbo now into letting me buy 8 sets of bathroom scales for the weekend!!!

I'm not holding my breath

NS Dev - 19/8/08 at 06:17 PM

why do you want to set them?????????

(I.e. do you KNOW why you want to set them, and what you are trying to achieve)