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Weber carbs books
flak monkey - 17/12/08 at 05:13 PM

Got the original Weber service and overhaul guide book published by Haynes, now surplus to requirements.

Covers every common carb (DGV, DGAS, DCOE, IDA etc etc) it is an older edition (1984) in good condition with a few grubby marks as usual for a Haynes!

£10 posted

Also a copy of the SpeedPro How to Power Tune Weber and Dellorto DCOE and DHLA cabrs by Des Hamill. (3rd edition)

Top notch book, with everything you need to know in it, written in plain english too.

£15 posted

DarrenW - 17/12/08 at 05:22 PM

Someone has just posted wanting one of these. How good is that. Great minds and all that.

skodaman - 17/12/08 at 09:43 PM

First dibs on Dgv book please.

stu da rude - 18/12/08 at 12:48 PM


Ill have the weber/dellorto Des Hamill book please!

Is paypal ok?

flak monkey - 18/12/08 at 12:54 PM

Skodaman, sorry the haynes book is sold.

Stu Da Rude, you have u2u

stu da rude - 18/12/08 at 01:07 PM

Back at ya buddy