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Recommend me some breathing aparatus
omega0684 - 27/10/13 at 08:38 PM

Hi Guys,

I am in the market for a breathing mask, one of those ones you see in use in a spray booth, not too bothered about price but im after quality. where do i start?

All the best


big_wasa - 27/10/13 at 08:58 PM

Devilbiss is a quality brand but its more than just the mask. What compressor are you using ? Piston types are not good for breathing air even after filtering.

Pdlewis - 27/10/13 at 09:21 PM

Hi Alex,

As Above Devilbiss are tops.

I currently have This on ebay from my cousin who is an accident repair sprayer gives you an idea of the bits,

FuryRebuild - 27/10/13 at 11:45 PM

I use a P3 rated mask from screwfix - it's about £30 with replacable cartridges. When it's on, I can't smell a thing, and was wearing it the other day cleaning parts with acetone and no sniff of it.