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sierra handbrake switch
darrenga - 1/5/07 at 09:33 PM

does anyone have a spare handbrake switch or know where i can get one

gingerpaule - 1/5/07 at 10:13 PM

If there is someone else with one of these for sale I could do with one too. I discovered the one from my donor doesn't work the other day.

Chippy - 1/5/07 at 10:16 PM

Local ford dealers, they cost pennies, aint going to break the bank. HTH Ray

gingerprince - 1/5/07 at 10:17 PM

if you have no luck elsewhere you can get them from any ford dealer for about 10 quid.

Dusty - 1/5/07 at 11:25 PM

Like so.
Whoops, I thought I was posting this on the other handbrake switch thread below.

[Edited on 1/5/07 by Dusty] Rescued attachment handbrakeswitch.jpg
Rescued attachment handbrakeswitch.jpg

Chippy - 2/5/07 at 03:21 PM

£10, you have got to be joking, when I got mine it was about £2.75, or something close to that, and wasn't all that long ago. Ray

Schrodinger - 2/5/07 at 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Chippy
£10, you have got to be joking, when I got mine it was about £2.75, or something close to that, and wasn't all that long ago. Ray

Mine cost about the same too.

locoboy - 15/6/07 at 10:27 AM

just called my local ford dealer, £11.25 +VAT

Surely ford prices shouldn't differ between parts outlets?

wombat - 4/2/14 at 10:39 AM

Anyone got a part number?
My local Ford dealer ''cant do anything without a registration number mate''.............

wombat - 4/2/14 at 11:05 AM

Ah, now found this :-

Ford part FINIS 6111456
Ford Fiesta Mk1 (1976-1989)
D3.10 - Parking Brake
Switch - parking brake warning lamp
5/76 - 8/83
82AB 15852 AA
Ford Fiesta Mk1 (1976-1989)
D3.20 - Parking Brake
8/83 - 12/88
82AB 15852 AA
Ford Sierra Mk1
D3.10 - Parking Brake
8/82 - 12/86
82AB 15852 AA

Anyone know if the 1988 Mk2 is the same part ?

rdodger - 4/2/14 at 01:09 PM

ebay £3.95

wombat - 4/2/14 at 02:47 PM

Thx Rodg, I searched for ''Sierra Handbrake'' etc....
Didnt think to put just Ford !

Live n learn as they say

Cheers buddy

rdodger - 4/2/14 at 04:04 PM

No worries

I obviously spend way too much time searching on ebay!