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Metal polishing kits
Paul L - 7/3/06 at 06:49 PM

I have some extruded aluminium cockpit trim for my car which is quite scratched & burred in several places.

I have been quoted £50 to have it polished by a metal polisher but wondered if any one could recommend a metal polishing kit for an electric drill? I don't have a bench mounted grinder I'm afraid.

Seen them on ebay for around £15 - 25 but wondr how good they are - any experience anyone?

cryoman1965 - 7/3/06 at 08:15 PM

I purchased a polishing kit from Machine Mart for £19 - £20.
1 polishing wheel, 1 buffing wheel and soap/ polish. Not tried on alli but its makes a good job of stainless.

Messenjah - 7/3/06 at 09:49 PM

theres a whole comparison of about 9 i think in one of the recent practical classics mags ill have a look around for you

andytmc - 7/3/06 at 10:05 PM

I got one from, 3 wheels & different compounds works pretty well on aluminium.

Lots of other interesting things on the site as well!


Paul L - 8/3/06 at 10:31 AM

Cheers guys

Currently phoning mates trying to blag a bench grinder to use as I guess will be better than a hand drill.

P.S. Have just created a gallery for anyone interested:

[Edited on 8/3/06 by Paul L]

Hellfire - 8/3/06 at 12:08 PM

Some nice shots there Paul... could you shift that car outta the way in future tho'...

Paul L - 10/3/06 at 08:52 AM

Cheers Hell fire

Can't really take a bad picture with scenery like that - just wish I knew how to resize them!

indykid - 10/3/06 at 06:31 PM

i made this from ali sheet, then polished using the bench grinder. you still have to wet and dry it to get it something like before polishing though.

tom Rescued attachment gaitor trim.jpg
Rescued attachment gaitor trim.jpg

indykid - 10/3/06 at 06:37 PM

this was done by hand though.

work up the wet and dry grades with wd40 as lubrication, up to about 1200. 1500 is better. after than, a quick polish with some autosol and it comes up like a mirror.

the bit in the pic is just a quick bit, but it's not that big a job as long as the profile of the extrusion isn't too fiddly. the finish is just as good as when done on the bench grinder.

tom Rescued attachment polished ally.jpg
Rescued attachment polished ally.jpg

Paul L - 13/3/06 at 10:00 AM

Nice work Tom!

Those pics have inspired me to fabricate some Ali escutcheons for where my harnesses pass through the rear bulkead.

Just need to find some 3mm ali sheet now...

indykid - 13/3/06 at 07:33 PM

the gear gaiter surround ended up with a really nice curved profile, even though it was made from flat sheet, due to the hole saw rattling, and marking the top face. when i finally sanded out the gouges, it gave the curved profile.

i'm glad i did it, even though i did nearly break my wrist when the 5" holesaw bit into the plate, and sent the drill handle straight back roung into my wrist. if you're gonna do it, don't press on, and use the low torque setting on the drill.

safety first