I am wanting to find out how to map a 4 cylinder car with an omex 710 ecu running 8 injectors fully sequencial, basically i have 2 injectors per
cylinder one large and a secondary smaller one. thing is I have never mapped a car before so its quite a daunting thing to me.
I know my local RR maps omex, but I just wanted to do the basic map so I can just fire it up to test everything.
much info would be appreciated
Have you spoken to Andy or Alan at OMEX? They are quite helpful and may have a base map to get you started.
Alternatively speak to Dave at Mech Motorsport if you get stuck as he's very experienced with the OMEX ECUs and also has a lot of experience
with Alphas in general (assuming that's what you're using). Though don't expect a completely free service from him
[Edited on 5-11-08 by bimbleuk]
Thanks for the info, no I have'nt spoke to them, thanks for the info mate